Leopard harrow, shorter working time
Leopard is the name of a multi-disc harrow for shallow soil tillage and will make its market debut at EIMA International 2022. It is made by FAZA, an Umbrian company (headquartered in Città di Castello, Perugia) specialised in the production of tillage machinery.
The Leopard harrow features a configuration with independent discs, equipped with bearings, scrapers and tool bar attachment, designed to increase working speed, since, as the manufacturer itself explains, the discs are not only independent of each other but also do not have a single axle.
The tools have a diameter of 560 millimetres, which allows them to easily reach a working depth of 120 millimetres, sufficient for preparing the soil for sowing or post-seeding cover. Obviously, the increase in operating speed has a positive effect on working time - shorter - and fuel consumption.
The new multi-disc harrow is available in two versions, mounted (Leopard model) and towed (Leopard Caddy). Power requirements range from a minimum of 60 to a maximum of 220 horsepower (depending on the version), while the working width is between 2.5 and 6 metres. It should be noted that models with widths from 4 to 6 metres are equipped with cylinders and hydraulics that operate the folding of the machine sections for road transport. On these versions there is also a working trolley designed for long-distance transport that transforms the machine from a mounted to a towed machine.