Faza rakes, designed for durability
The Faza RT7, RT9, RT13, CONDOR RTV and RTVS towed star-wheel rakes are designed to work on uneven terrain, where they are able to perform precise and fast work. The strength of these models is represented by the particular construction architecture of the stars, each of which is independent not only from the other but also from the frame, thus allowing the star arms to adapt to the morphology of the ground.
Consisting of CONDOR RTV-RTVS, the RT range can therefore boast many arrows in its bow, starting from a great freedom of customisation and accessories. However, the real plus of these rakes is the strong resistance to mechanical stress, made possible both by the tubular structure of the implement and by the use of high quality raw materials. For this reason, the welded parts are carefully checked to guarantee the highest possible durability, while the final painting includes a stainless undercoat.
Our models, explains the Perugia-based company (headquartered in Città di Castello) in a technical note, are designed with the dual aim of offering maximum reliability, thanks to a long life cycle, and of optimising the relationship between performance and operating efficiency. Within the RT line, the RT 13 towed rake is undoubtedly the top of the Faza range. It is a longitudinal towed model, with an articulated frame and front star tilting system.
The flagship of the Faza range is offered by the Umbrian manufacturer with four directional wheels, flexible tines and a hydraulic system that manages both the opening and closing of the implement and the adjustment of the working width, also independently.