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Agricultural machinery, market lows in 2024

The end-of-year results show a significant decrease in sales for all main types of machines. The drop is due to an increase in production costs combined with the difficulty of access to credit by buyers. The negative trend is also being seen in Europe and North America
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International market: a complex scenario

Tractor sales figures for August and September show different trends from country to country. While the United States shows a decline compared to last year, India is still growing, while Europe as a whole shows a downward trend that could become more pronounced in the last months of the year. Economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions still linked to inflation and the war in Ukraine, is aggravated by the new conflict that erupted in the Middle East
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Italian Market: a downward trend in the expectation of funds

In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations show a decline greater than the European average (-4,5%). The market's performance is affected by rising prices, interest rates, and the slowdown of the purchase incentives system. Mariateresa Maschio, president of the manufacturers' association, hopes for a faster implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the quick activation of the Innovation Fund launched by the government
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Agricultural machinery: the 2022 closing balance confirms the sector's resilience

Sales fell for all major types of agricultural machinery. The market downturn, which may be considered partly normal after the boom in 2021, is also due to the well-known supply problems and high raw material prices. Demand for machinery, however, remains high, thanks to government incentives. Allocations for agricultural machinery under the NRRP are in the pipeline
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Agricultural machinery, global market recovers

Data provided by the manufacturers' associations indicate sales increases in all the main areas of the world. Tractors grew in Europe by an average of 16.6%, with peaks in Italy (+36%) and Poland (+43%). The market is still dynamic in the current year, but with the uncertainties linked to the strong increase in the costs of raw materials and fuels
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Market at its peaks in the first half of 2021

Europe ended the first half of the year with 25% growth compared to the same period in 2020. All European countries are in the black. The raw material crisis is weighing on the market, but demand remains high
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Tractors: global sales boom

Tractor sales figures indicate record increases in all major countries. The general economic recovery encourages investments," says FederUnacoma President Alessandro Malavolti, "but what is crucial is the good performance of agricultural production and, above all, the growth prospects of the primary sector, which within the next nine years is going to grow by 18% for plant production and 13% for livestock products
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Agricultural machinery: record growth for the Italian market

In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations grew by 43.8%, and strong increases were recorded for all other types of machinery. The excellent performance of the domestic market combined with the growth of exports - says Alessandro Malavolti, president of the manufacturers - will lead to an overall turnover of the Italian industry of no less than 14 billion Euros by the end of the year
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Highway Code, new rules for agricultural machinery

The new text of the Highway Code has been published in the Official Journal. It incorporates the requests of the Manufacturers' Federation and also allows amateur farmers to register agricultural machinery and professional operators to use convoys of up to 18.75 metres
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Agricultural machinery, market soars in the first quarter

Registrations of tractors and other types of machinery recorded significant increases in the January-March period, which not only made up for the deficit of the first quarter of 2020, but also pushed sales to record levels. Public support was decisive, with tax incentives for 4.0 and the Sabatini Law. Sales of higher-powered tractors soared
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Agricultural machinery: market recovering at the end of 2020

The sharp surge in sales in the last two months of the year made it possible to partially offset the collapse recorded between March and May due to the first pandemic wave and the lockdown. Final balance in the red, but with less negative percentages than the period
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Italian market: September balance sheet still negative

Registration data on the first nine months of the year is in the red for new tractors, transporters and trailers. The sales of tractors came to 14,353 but should reach a total of some 19,000 units by the end of December, in line with the averages in recent years. The trends in the single regions differed, from down in the Veneto, Piedmont and Lazio Regions and on the up side in the Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Campania
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Agriculture machinery, first half in the red

The registration of tractors, transporters, trailers and telescopic handlers showed a decline in the balance sheet for the first six months of 2018. The negative trend has to be assigned to the forced gains in registrations last year but the second half of the current year is expected to stabilize the market trend
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Agricultural machinery: sudden braking in first quarter

Data on registrations in the first quarter of the year display wide swings of sharp gains in the month of January and steep drops in February and March. FederUnacoma President Alessandro Malavolti noted that in the wake of the increase in registrations at the end of 2017 the technical time required for registration extended into January this year to still show high percentages then followed in the two successive months by a sudden backlash due to the continuation of winter weather which put off crop operations. Registrations will settle down over the year so it will be possible to reach an effective evaluation of sales only in the months to come
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Growth for European tractor and machinery market

Registrations and sales on the increase in Europe in 2017 with good prospects for current year. The Mother Regulation leading to strong gains of tractors in power category of less that 50 Hp
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Agricultural machinery: variability in a growing market

The agricultural machinery market closed 2017 ahead in Italy and on the increase in all the major world market. Substantial growth in Italy and the leading European countries were assigned mainly to the need to reduce the stock of tractors and transporters in inventories ahead of the enactment of new norms for type-approval. Rural Development Program funds and financing released by INAIL for machinery with high safety standards were also in growth
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Agricultural machinery, registrations rocket at the end of 2017

The year's balance records a sharp increase for tractors and tractors with loading platforms, and for combine harvesters and trailers. The entry into force of the new EU regulations on agricultural machinery (Mother Regulation) in January lead the manufacturers to implement more aggressive marketing strategies at the end of 2017, in order to sell the stocks of machinery already produced
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Sales increasing in first half of 2017

Ministry of Transport data point in Italy to substantial gains for tractors, combine harvesters and other types of machinery registered. At the top of sales of tractors are the Veneto, Lazio, Campania and Tuscany regions. A good performance in registrations is coming in also from Puglia preparing for the Agrilevante, the great exposition focused on agricultural mechanization and typical Mediterranean products coming up in October
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Europe, market recovering over the year

The agricultural machinery market is showing positive signals for expectations of a general revival in during 2017 in the wake of problems experienced in the most recent seasons. Growth is seen in Germany and the UK whereas the French market is still in decline. For Italy the outlook is for significant growth owing to an overall favorable trend
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Tractors in decrease, waiting for incentives

The data on the registration of tractors in the first quarter of 2016 indicate a decrease by 6.7%. Strong is also the decrease for combine-harvesters, while general purpose tractors, trailers and telescopic handlers are increasing. Still under way the procedures for the RDP and the incentives from the government – commented the president of manufacturers Massimo Goldoni – resulting in the paralysis of the market
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Tractor market: peak of sales towards end of year

Registration data on agricultural machinery showed a sharp gain in the closing months of 2015 which made it possible to end the year with a small increase of 1.4% over 2014. Also combine harvesters showed signals of recovery whereas still on the decline were agricultural transporters. Decisive support came from European Union Rural Development Programs, RDP, and the wait is on for the effect of 2016 incentives planned by the government
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Tractors braking on the European market

Data compiled by CEMA, the European agricultural industry association in Europe, underscore the substantial decline in tractor sales in the first eight months of the year. The negative trend for the Italian market is continuing but signs of recovery might be seen next year. The head of the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, Massimo Goldoni, said the arrival of public incentives in 2016 for the purchase of agricultural machinery could stimulate the market but it must not be forgotten that there are still European Union funds in the Rural Development Plans which will return to the EU coffers if they are not committed
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Tractors: falling markets, production slows down

The world market for tractors drop by 3.2% in 2014, with greater declines in Europe (-8%) and particularly in France (-22%). Consequently Italian exports slow down, and production drops by 2%. Also in the first five months of 2015 FederUnacoma records an overall drop in exports (-3.7%), and significant improvements are not expected during the year
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Agricultural machinery: poor market also in 2013

Closing data furnished by FederUnacoma signal a decline in tractor registrations, down 1.7%, transporters, off by 16.7%, and trailers, dropping 5.7%. Tractor sales in the Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Puglia regions ran counter to this trend to show substantial gains. Also growing was the national average for combine harvester sales, ahead 13.9%. The president of the italian manufacturers federation, Massimo Goldoni, is asking for initiative policies to prop up the sector and for a focus of attention especially on the new agrienergy and multifunctional farming production chains

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