After two consecutive years in the red, the sales of green machinery and technologies in 2024 returned into the black (+1.5%), with more than 1.37 million units sold. The increase was seen across all the main product types: from hedge trimmers to lawnmowers, brush cutters and blowers. Chainsaws and snowplows on the other hand saw a drop in sales
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The end-of-year results show a significant decrease in sales for all main types of machines. The drop is due to an increase in production costs combined with the difficulty of access to credit by buyers. The negative trend is also being seen in Europe and North America
The overall value of national production of technologies for agriculture and gardening is set to close the year with a 19.5% decrease, coming to only EUR 13.2 billion. The decline is due to the contraction of domestic demand, but above all to the slowdown of foreign markets
In just six years, from 2017 to 2023, Agriculture 4.0 has made great strides in Italy. In 2017, digitalized companies had a turnover of EUR 100 million, last year they reached EUR 2.3 billion. This market growth is supported by...
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Registration data for the first nine months of the year show declines for all vehicle types. An increase in list prices along with a drop in agricultural incomes and the wait for new incentives are the causes behind the current downturn
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The national agricultural machinery market closed the first six months of the year with a significant decline for all types of machinery, starting with tractors
(-17.3%). The trend is due to the unfavourable economic situation but not to a crisis in demand, that still holds good growth potential
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The first four months of the year marked a substantial market contraction for all types of agricultural machinery. Tractors and combine harvesters drop by 21% and 52%, tractors with loading platform by 12%; negative
sign also for trailers (-4%) and telehandlers (-33%)
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Tractor sales fell over the past twelve months to 17,613 units (-12.9%). It is mainly the medium power ranges that are losing ground. Minus signs also for telescopic handlers (-3.4%) and trailers (-8.1%). Against this trend were combine harvesters (+10.2%) and tractors with loading platforms (+15.9%). The downturn is due to economic and geopolitical factors. FederUnacoma: demand for tractors is worth over 70,000 units, but is largely met by obsolete second-hand vehicles
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In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations show a decline greater than the European average (-4,5%). The market's performance is affected by rising prices, interest rates, and the slowdown of the purchase incentives system. Mariateresa Maschio, president of the manufacturers' association, hopes for a faster implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the quick activation of the Innovation Fund launched by the government
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Sales figures show a drop for tractors and growth for other types, but registrations partly refer to vehicles booked in 2022. The 4.0 incentives, which have greatly boosted purchases in recent years, are running out
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Sales fell for all major types of agricultural machinery. The market downturn, which may be considered partly normal after the boom in 2021, is also due to the well-known supply problems and high raw material prices. Demand for machinery, however, remains high, thanks to government incentives. Allocations for agricultural machinery under the NRRP are in the pipeline
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Figures processed by FederUnacoma on the basis of Ministry of Transport registrations show a total of 17,256 tractors in October, down 15.3% on 2021 but with a sales volume still above pre-Covid levels. Good sales levels also for combine harvesters and telehandlers
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FederUnacoma's forecasts for the end of the year indicate a drop in the quantity produced (-6%), but an increase in the value of production (14.2 billion euros, amounting to +3.7% over 2021). The resilience of the domestic market and above all the good performance of exports (+10.4% in July) support the sector, which is nevertheless suffering from the crisis in production costs and the lower agriculturals incomes
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The economic downturn is reflected in the market for agricultural machinery, which is declining for all types, yet sales volumes are still good. In the nine months from January to September, 15,800 tractors were sold, a lower number than the 18,500 of the same period in 2021, but still higher than the average of the last four years. Manufacturer President Alessandro Malavolti points out the difficulties of the current economic situation and hopes for a relaunch of the incentive system
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In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations grew by 43.8%, and strong increases were recorded for all other types of machinery. The excellent performance of the domestic market combined with the growth of exports - says Alessandro Malavolti, president of the manufacturers - will lead to an overall turnover of the Italian industry of no less than 14 billion Euros by the end of the year
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Italian exports - outline Manlio Di Stefano, Undersecretary of State at Ministry of Foreign Affairs - returned to growth in the first six months of the year. At the base of this surge, which has involved also the agro-mechanical sector is not only the ability of Italian companies to propose highly innovative solutions but also the new strategy for promoting Italian products, with a stronger role for the Farnesina. Asean and Asia are the most interesting markets for our companies
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Between January and August, sales grew in all the main markets. In Italy, tractor registrations were up 45% compared to 2020, driven by the digitalisation of the primary market. Raw material trends weigh on future trends
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The Italian agricultural machinery industry closed 2020 with a production value of 11.5 billion euros, slightly higher than the previous year (+0.4%). The favourable trend of the agricultural economy at the global level keeps production levels high for a mechanical engineering sector that derives 70% of its turnover from exports
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Registrations of tractors and other types of machinery recorded significant increases in the January-March period, which not only made up for the deficit of the first quarter of 2020, but also pushed sales to record levels. Public support was decisive, with tax incentives for 4.0 and the Sabatini Law. Sales of higher-powered tractors soared
After a sharp drop at the beginning of the year, sales of gardening machinery and equipment recovered steadily during the summer and autumn months, reaching a peak in the last quarter that brought the final balance to a profit of 3.3%. The figure for lawn mowers was negative, while sprayers, which are also used for sanitizing environments, showed a clear increase
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The sharp surge in sales in the last two months of the year made it possible to partially offset the collapse recorded between March and May due to the first pandemic wave and the lockdown. Final balance in the red, but with less negative percentages than the period
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The sales figures for the first part of the year show a collapse in March, characterized by the slowdown in activities and then by the stoppage of production sites. Even with a reopening of the industrial plants, the second half of the year will remain conditioned by the reduction in the volumes produced and by the lower investment capacity of farms
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Registrations stood at 18,579 in 2019, in line with the average figure for recent years. As regards the other types of machines, combine harvesters, tractors with loading platforms and trailers are decreasing, while telescopic handlers are growing
The Comagarden/Morgan figures, indicate an average increase of 29% in the first part of the year. The favourable weather pattern, of opposite trend compared to the same period 2017, is at the root of this anomalous growth in demand, which should decrease over the course of the year while still maintaining an index in line with that of last year
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After the effect of the Mother Regulation, which triggered a race for registrations in 2017, pushing the market beyond its actual capacity, tractors sales in Italy are back to 2016 levels. Registrations have also declined, as far as other types of machines are concerned, and for the new year, the effects of the general negative economic trend are feared. In order to support the sector, the provision of the EU RDP funds continues, together with the € 35 million re-allocated by INAIL for the purchase of agricultural machinery with high safety standards
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The registration of tractors, transporters, trailers and telescopic handlers showed a decline in the balance sheet for the first six months of 2018. The negative trend has to be assigned to the forced gains in registrations last year but the second half of the current year is expected to stabilize the market trend
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Data on the registered sales of agricultural tractors reported at an Agrilevante press conference in Bari point to strong growth over the first three quarters of the year. Other than improvements in agricultural
income, the gains are assigned to better utilization of European Union RDP financing and funds made available by INAIL, for the purchase of new machinery with high safety standards and eco-compatibility
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Data on the registration of tractors, combine harvesters and trailers disclosed a marginal decline compared to 2016 to further confirm the lengthy slide of the domestic market. Sales increases were reported only for transporters and agricultural telescopic handlers. Tractor sales running counter to the national data trend came in the major northern regions. Tractor sales running counter to the national data trend came in the major northern regions
The Italian production is on the increase thanks to exports. Sales of tractors, transporters, combine harvesters and trailers on national territory still on the decline. The Emilia Romagna and Sicily Regions were bucking the trend with gains in sales of tractors whereas Lazio and Tuscany reported downturns greater than the national average. The sound trend of exports offset the domestic market crisis and led to the outlook of increasing production overall for the full year
Over the past five years the Italian agricultural machinery market has been subjected to a decline of 30% and is still a cause for worry when compared to sales trends in such countries as Germany and France where gains are reported. A survey conducted by Nomisma for FederUnacoma based on past data and interviews carried out on a sample of 800 agricultural enterprises has drawn a focus on the reasons behind this trend. Uncertainty on the future of farms, increasing recourse to contractors and the retrofitting of machinery already in farm inventories are among the factors putting the brake on the acquisition of new machinery.