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South Korea, demographic trends are an "incentive" for mechanization

The aging rural population and labor shortages may stimulate investment in agricultural machinery. Higher power class vehicles more sought after. The South Korean market has both domestic and foreign manufacturers: Italy is the country's fourth-largest supplier

Mechanization in Australia, an expanding sector

The twelfth world economy continues to grow, and it also does so in the name of agriculture and avant-garde mechanisation. Forecasts indicate that over the next five years the sector is expected to grow by 7.3% per year to reach a value of 4.5 billion Australian dollars

Mechanization, lights and shadows of the Spanish market

In the first ten months of 2023, the agro-mechanical sector experienced a two-speed trend. Sales of tractors and self-propelled harvesting machines fell, but those of equipment, particularly for tillage and seeding, grew

Canada, mechanisation for a changing agriculture

The mitigation of the harsh Canadian climate, due to rising temperatures, is expected to increase the size of the cultivable area and encourage greater crop diversification. The agro-mechanical sector, which today has 600 thousand tractors and 120,000 combine harvesters, is called upon to meet the new production needs

Agricultural machinery, market potential in Ukraine

Thanks to very favourable climatic and soil conditions, Ukrainian agriculture has great potential for development, but is lacking in terms of production technology. In addition to being obsolete, the fleet of agricultural machinery is undersized compared to the sector’s needs. Potential demand is estimated at 40,000 tractors and 5,000 combine harvesters per year

Agricultural technologies: sales increase in the U.S.

Tractors close 2020 with a 17.7% increase, combines 5.5%. The market is benefiting from the flywheel effect induced by the increase in federal aid, which reached a new high of $37 billion. The first estimates for 2021 show positive results

Iran and sanctions: the current state of play

From 2018, following the withdrawal of the United States of America from the so-called Nuclear Agreement, the mistaken belief that Iran is also under embargo by the European Union and, consequently, is forbidden to enter into commercial transactions with it, has spread among economic operators. In this article, the current state of play on international sanctions against the country

Agriculture, Colombia focuses on the latest generation technologies

With its sustained growth over many years, Colombia has made significant progress in political and social stabilization, with an expansion of the middle class. Agriculture has an important role, able to count on abundant and diversified resources and on many examples of production excellence. Colombia has the potential to become one of the food baskets of the planet

Vietnam: Italian exports growing

In 2018, the export of Italian technologies for agriculture reached the record of 5.5 million euros. Despite last year’s boom, our country holds a marginal share, just 2% of Vietnamese imports of agricultural machinery. Traditional methods of cultivation still prevail in Vietnam, but the government is pushing for mechanization

Tractors, the market resumes in South Africa

The South African agricultural machinery market comes back to life, after the standstill caused by the drought of 2016, the worst of the last thirty years. In 2018, tractor sales increased by 3.9%, while those for combine harvesters remained stable. 80% of the machines absorbed by the internal market are imported

Japan, technologies for a changing agriculture

In the first 9 months of the year, sales in the Japanese agricultural machinery market declined by 8%.The aging and decreasing rural population is at the root of the stagnating demand for vehicles.The government is focusing on agriculture 4.0 to boost productivity and competitiveness in the primary sector

Economy, risk for the sector of agricultural mechanization

Turkish lira currency crisis implies a reduction in investment capacity for the purchase of agricultural machinery imported from other countries. Italy's mechanical industry, which in Turkey found an interesting outlet for its products, has been seriously penalized. It is difficult to foresee practical ways to solve the current situation, although analysts believe that the agricultural sector, which is highly strategic for the country, might recuperate its dynamism in a relatively short time

Zambia, a country rich of potential but poor in technology

A country strongly unbalanced on the copper extraction industry but with the primary sector playing a key role in the economic system. More than half of Zambia's workforce is in fact involved in this sector which produces 5.3% of GDP, with huge possibilities for growth despite a significant lack of mechanization

Asian markets: the mission in Vietnam

Mechanization is the turning point for the modernization of the Vietnamese agricultural system, which has a great growth potential, but is still linked to a traditional type of production. The local mechanical industry is not able to meet the demand of agricultural machinery and equipment and for this reason the country approaches foreign technologies with interesting opportunities for the

Agricultural machinery: Thailand a hub for Southeast Asia

The progressively ageing of rural population together with low production levels is creating the conditions for the progressive replacement of the workforce with machines and for an increasing demand for agricultural machinery. The interest of manufacturers is also linked to the possibility of exploiting this country as a logistics base for the entire Southeast Asia

New markets for agricultural mechanization: the "discovery" of Peru

Unlike other South American countries, which are still affected by economic imbalances and political variables generating uncertainties, Peru presents a stabilized system and a constant economic growth. The agricultural production is consistent and largely oriented to foreign markets, while the demand for mechanization is potentially very high

Agriculture, "forced" choice for Africa

The crisis of raw materials and the low oil prices are producing negative effects on the economies of many African countries. The loss of some traditional sectors of the economy, however, is producing an ever greater interest in agriculture and the economy of rural areas. Filling the technology and mechanization gap has become a priority for the continent's countries

Thailandia, for a possible coupling with the far east

Thailand has been reporting in recent years economic growth to boost the country to the ranks of the Asian Tigers. Italy's presence there is still marginal but there are favorable conditions for the development of relations and Thailand could become a bridge to other SouthEast Asian countries

Agricultural engineering in China: the weight of the Made in Italy

After three years of growth at full capacity, in 2014 the Chinese tractor market "takes a breather". Meanwhile, the weight of Italian companies in the Chinese agromechanical sector continues to grow. The first five months of 2015, the italian exports increase of 53%

Agricultural machinery in Iran, the market can bounce back

Lifting sanctions could be worth eight billion euro for Italian manufacturers. The need to renew the machinery inventory and increase the productivity of agriculture offers good prospects for market penetration also in the agricultural mechanization sector

Agricultural machinery: Italian initiative in Congo

With an economy heavily dependent on oil and therefore exposed to fluctuations in the price of this raw material, the Republic of Congo has today the need to diversify its economic activities focusing on agriculture and industry. In order to be competitive, the Congolese primary sector requires mechanization and specific training activities

Strong outlook for italian farm machinery sales in the United States

Net farm income in the United States will come to $113.2 billion by the end of the year, the lowest since 2010. The decline is due mainly to the reduction of cereal prices. This factor, together with the decline of federal subsidies and the reduction of incentives for speeding up depreciation for the purchase of new machinery have resulted in a drop in sales of tractors and combine harvesters. In the first eight months of 2014, however, agricultural machinery imports rose 6% and those from Italy gained by 23,6%

Russia, agricultural machinery market slowing. Italian exports holding out

Recovery over the past three years is being followed by a decline in tractor sales in the Russian Federation where, however, units moved in 2013 came close to 40,000. The Russian machinery inventory is obsolete and not up to the requirements of modern and competitive farming

Azerbaijan, agriculture awards Made in Italy machinery

The economy in Azerbaijan has been steadily growing as of 2003 also thanks to the exploitation of gas and oil fields. Agriculture plays a crucial role and is supported by subsidies and tax breaks. A boom in the export of Italian agricultural machinery has been registered for the year 2013

Croatia joins the European Union and "turn the page"

The economy of the Balkan country has not yet overcome the shock of the 1991-1995 Yugoslav wars that hit the industrial system in particular. Among the leading activities is the service sector, and tourism which accounts for 16% of the GDP. After the drop experienced in recent years in exports of Italian agricultural machinery the sector is now recovering

Russia, un patrimonio di risorse da mettere a frutto

The economy of the Russian Federation started, from the beginning of the new millennium, a stage of growth mainly based on the export of energy raw materials. Nevertheless, the production structure of the country has to develop other sector, such as agriculture, that suffers for a delay in technological equipment and machinery's overall quality. The plan for the agricultural development approved by the Government in July 2012, includes a minor project specifically devoted to the update of machinery

Venezuela: Farm Mechanisation Gets Public Support

In Venezuela, the government is trying to shift the economy from oil dependency by encouraging the farm sector and its mechanisation

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