The 2025 edition of the international exhibition of agricultural machinery for the Mediterranean is underway at CIHEAM. A total of 75% of the available area has already been allocated. Operators and delegations from 40 countries are expected to attend. Partnerships with local bodies and institutions are being formed
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The end-of-year results show a significant decrease in sales for all main types of machines. The drop is due to an increase in production costs combined with the difficulty of access to credit by buyers. The negative trend is also being seen in Europe and North America
The economic situation is slowing down the agricultural machinery market at a global level, but the EIMA exhibition suffered no setbacks and hit an all-time high attendance record. Over 346,000 attendees, including 63,000 foreign guests from 150 countries, came to learn about the most innovative technologies for every type of agriculture. The demand for mechanization remains potentially very high – explain the organizers of FederUnacoma – and the agricultural world needs to immediately recognize the innovations and plan its investments accordingly
At EIMA International, FederUnacoma and Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico described the features of the new measure for energy efficiency. To date, a total of EUR 100 million in projects have been financed as tax credits, but requests for access to funds should increase in the coming months
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At this year's G7 Expo the spotlight is on the conferences organized by FederUnacoma. Technological innovation, training, recovery of degraded lands and Italian-African cooperation are some of the main themes at the forefront of the conferences, as well as a focus on young people
From 6 to 10 November, Bologna will once again be the world capital of agricultural machinery for five days. Over 1,700 exhibitors (600 from abroad) are expected to occupy the entire surface area of the exhibition center at this year's EIMA International event. Internationalization, innovation and breadth of range are the strengths of the trade fair
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FederUnacoma has been entrusted with the organization of three exhibition areas dedicated to agricultural mechanization located in the Syracuse district of Ortigia. These cutting-edge technologies reconcile productivity and environmental sustainability
Trade Agency (ICE) headquarters in Rome. The global market is growing and demand is expected to increase in the years to come. More and more countries are investing in agricultural technologies and require special technical and commercial cooperation programs
On the occasion of the FederUnacoma assembly, the vice-president of Confindustria Marchesini, the deputy general secretary of FAO Martina, the President of ICE Zoppas and the analyst Pinosa discussed the strategies to face the new geography of agricultural production and agro-mechanical trade. The message of the minister Lollobrigida
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The Federation's annual Think Tank was held in Serralunga d'Alba, in the heart of the Langhe area. The focus was on market data, scenario analyses and a on training needs. Presented the AFI Academy, a new FederUnacoma project to strengthen professional skills
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The thematic tables of the FederUnacoma Think Tank provided useful insights into the demand for training expressed by the agro-mechanical industry. The need for new skills is not always met by our training system, thus penalising the competitiveness of our companies
Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda these were the three stages of the promotional event that between 15 and 22 March involved some of the best-known brands of Italian agricultural mechanics. The 46th edition of EIMA International was also presented during the road show
The robust growth of the agricultural machinery market has not yet filled the technological deficit of Indian agriculture. Forecasts indicate that the incremental trend, favoured by state subsidy programs, will continue in the coming years with investments in the latest generation of machinery. Agromechanical exhibitions are a knowledge hub
From February 29 to March 3, Bangalore is the showcase of agricultural mechanics. Over 130 exhibiting industries, 15 of them Italian, will present at the University of Agricultural Sciences the latest technologies able to meet the needs of the different models of agriculture of the subcontinent. Sustainability and innovation at the heart of the event
The great agricultural mechanics event aims to confirm the success of 2022. Among the innovations planned by the organizers of FederUnacoma is the REAL area specifically dedicated to robotic technologies and a contest reserved for social communication. Already rich the programme of conferences and thematic events
The seventh edition of the international exhibition of technology and machinery for agriculture ended 8th October in Bari - with a record number of visitors. Businesspeople from 60 countries, more than 50 conferences, 1,200 business meetings reserved to foreign delegations of the ICE Agency. Rendez-vous for the next edition in October 2025
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A conference dedicated to the countries of the northern belt of the African continent, which have significant growth potential in the primary sector but need new-generation machinery and systems, was held as part of Agrilevante. Collaboration with the Italian agro-mechanical industry and with bodies dealing with technical assistance and vocational training is very promising
Training in the spotlight at Agrilevante in the Desk area set up by FederUnacoma. More than 400 students from agricultural institutes in Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria took part in the training days. Two simulators for driving experience in safety
Around 120 official foreign delegates from 27 countries are expected at the Bari exhibition, joined by thousands of independent operators expected from more than 60 countries. Business meetings between the delegations and exhibiting companies, will take place in a pavilion specially set up in the northern area of the Fiera del Levante. FederUnacoma: "the Bari exhibition has a Mediterranean vocation but is also confirmed as a pole of attraction for other agricultural economies"
The exhibition of agricultural machinery for the Mediterranean is approaching its October appointment with a packed calendar of conferences, seminars and workshops. The focus of the event will be on policies and strategies for the development of the region's agricultural economies, as well as technical topics with in-depth studies by universities, sector publishers, and trade associations
The exhibition of agricultural machinery for the Mediterranean includes initiatives specifically dedicated to students at agricultural and industrial technical institutes. Guided tours, workshops, seminars and driving simulators will be available for young people who aspire to work in contact with the most advanced agro-mechanical technologies
A large exhibition of prized breeding animals and a programme of competitions and conferences on the most advanced technologies for the management of livestock farms are featured at the seventh edition of the Bari event. The livestock section is organized in collaboration with AIA, ARA Puglia and Agriumbria
The circular bio-economy and agro-energy have a central role to play in the primary sector. Technological innovation, enhancement of land resources, recovery of by-products and renewable sources can mitigate climate change. These are the topics at the centre of the seminars and technical visits promoted by Itabia at Agrilevante, with a special focus on the all-round enhancement of biomass resources
The great exhibition of agricultural machinery for the Mediterranean area, will inaugurate the REAL section, entirely dedicated to robotics and advanced electronics. A trial field will also be set up in the area where visitors will be able to see in action some of the latest generation technologies for typical vineyard operations
Against the backdrop of the Bari exhibition, FederUnacoma is presenting a comic strip entitled "Federunacomics, agricultural machinery in safety", which tells the story of the agro-mechanical sector in the typical language of "comix", addressing an audience of young people interested in agriculture and the correct use of mechanical means
The Technical Innovation competition - which awards prizes for the most advanced solutions in the field of agro-mechanics created by manufacturers - is by now a classic appointment at Agrilevante. Based on the model of the competition historically organised as...
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The report on activities, which are increasingly oriented towards foreign countries, was presented at the General Assembly. Promotional missions and collective exhibitions in America, Africa and Asia, and a growing commitment to incoming foreign businesspeople at Italian exhibitions. Economic studies and dissemination activities for emerging markets and technical dossiers aimed at EU regulations were part of the federations's work in 2022 and are already planned for the current year
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The fifth annual edition of the FederUnacoma Think Tank was held in Torgiano (Perugia).
The meeting focused on the confrontation between the agricultural mechanics sector and other traditional Made in Italy areas, such as high-end automotive, fashion, and the agri-food industry. The standing of Italian agricultural technologies is excellent, nevertheless, new promotion strategies are needed to strengthen the presence of our products in foreign markets and to counter emerging competition
The march towards the seventh edition of the exhibition dedicated to agricultural mechanisation for the Mediterraen began in Bari on 13 April. The event promoted by FederUnacoma in partnership with Fiera del Levante, presented during a press conference, will be a great workshop for the development of primary economy
'International Sanctions, Export Control and Compliance Programmes' is the title of a text, produced by lawyers Antonio de Capoa and Dario Gorji Varnosfaderani with FederUnacoma, to support Italian companies in their foreign trade activities by offering a comprehensive overview of the international trade restrictions in force, and an overview of the main operational tools to be adopted to avoid risks in foreign transactions
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Sales fell for all major types of agricultural machinery. The market downturn, which may be considered partly normal after the boom in 2021, is also due to the well-known supply problems and high raw material prices. Demand for machinery, however, remains high, thanks to government incentives. Allocations for agricultural machinery under the NRRP are in the pipeline
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Registration opened for exhibiting industries that will take part in the event in Bari from 5 to 8 October. Great expectations for an exhibition dedicated to technologies for agricultural supply chains typical of the Mediterranean area, and which aims to repeat the levels of public attendance and international prestige achieved in 2019, before the suspension due to the health emergency
An agreement for the training of young entrepreneurs and workers in the sector between the network of agricultural colleges, FederUnacoma, Cia, Agia, and Agricoltura è Vita was signed at the agricultural machinery show
The pandemic led to an evolution in the international exhibition sector, setting new criteria for competitiveness. Events that are useful in economic and strategic business are rewarded by visitors. EIMA International reflects and anticipates sector trends
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The fourth edition of the FederUnacoma Think Tank dedicated to the geopolitical emergency and the commodity situation took place on 31 March in Bologna. The commodity crisis could last for years, so it is necessary for agro-mechanical companies to develop long-term strategies, while being reactive to sudden situational changes. Proposals were made by thematic study groups
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During 2022, the Italian agricultural machinery market should maintain good levels, also due to the presence of incentives and financing. On the industrial front, however, the cost of raw materials and energy is likely to curb production and substantially increase machinery prices
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Global growth in the agricultural machinery market is also driving Italian exports, which are up 20.8% in the tractor segment and 19.8% in the operating machinery and equipment segment. 2022 has many unknowns, mainly related to the consequences of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Machines and services for oil and wine production at the heart of Enoliexpo, the restart fair for the Levante exhibition centre after the pandemic. Organisers and exhibitors were satisfied with the success of the event. The next appointment is already scheduled for 2024
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Estimates from the Italian manufacturers' association indicate turnover increases of more than 20% for 70% of manufacturers in 2021. Positive indicators also for the first half of 2022, and good future prospects due to electronic technologies, which are becoming increasingly important in the sector and are pushing agricultural mechanics towards the digital transition
Verona hosts the return of Fieragricola, the international exhibition dedicated to the primary sector that since 1898 has narrated the development of this important human activity. 500 exhibitors with agricultural mechanics and zootechnics in the spotlight. A new exhibition dedicated to digital technologies, an outdoor demonstration area and a busy programme of in-depth meetings complete the picture of the exhibition event
The magazine Mondo Macchina/Machinery World, the official publication of the Italian Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, is thirty years old, and this milestone must be celebrated. A number of "MW" initiatives will take place during the year to underline the...
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Tractor sales figures indicate record increases in all major countries. The general economic recovery encourages investments," says FederUnacoma President Alessandro Malavolti, "but what is crucial is the good performance of agricultural production and, above all, the growth prospects of the primary sector, which within the next nine years is going to grow by 18% for plant production and 13% for livestock products
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The strong growth in production risks being held back by shortages of raw materials, as well as rising logistics costs. Due to the Chinese supply blockade, the cost of ferrous materials and silicon for the electronics industry has risen beyond all expectations. Current stocks can cover orders until the middle of next year, but uncertainties and concerns remain for the rest of the year
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In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations grew by 43.8%, and strong increases were recorded for all other types of machinery. The excellent performance of the domestic market combined with the growth of exports - says Alessandro Malavolti, president of the manufacturers - will lead to an overall turnover of the Italian industry of no less than 14 billion Euros by the end of the year
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The policy document drawn up by the manufacturers was presented at the FederUnacoma "Forum". Mechanization is fundamental for the Next Generation objectives, but more funds and greater chain coordination are needed. Alessandro Malavolti listed nine key points to relaunch the sector
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The General Meeting of FederUnacoma’s member industries approved, by a very large majority, an exception to the Articles of Association that extends by two years the mandates of the Federation's president and the presidents of the individual sector associations, which...
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In the framework of its assembly, the Manufacturers' Federation organizes a Forum dedicated to the implementation of the National Recovery Plan. Experts and technicians are working to draw up a map of the mechanization needs. Mechanical and electronic technologies as a critical element for agriculture "transition". Mechanization as a structural element of any environmental and territorial policy
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The share of tractors specifically designed for orchards and vineyards in the total number of registered tractors is growing, accounting for almost 40% of the market and recording a 63% increase in the first quarter of the year. The RIVE international exhibition in Pordenone - organised in partnership with FederUnacoma - is a point of reference for the most advanced technologies for the viticulture and winemaking industry
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The agreement in support of the export
and development of SMEs in the sector has been renewed. The agreement provides for the organization of webinars on internationalization, participation in B2B meetings, and the presence of SACE at industry exhibitions organized by FederUnacoma
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The institutional advert entitled "Agricultural machines, useful and ingenious", narrated by Luca Ward, was broadcast on the national networks Rai, Mediaset, La7 and Sky. Created by FederUnacoma, the Italian association of agricultural machinery manufacturers, the advert tells the general public about the strategic role of agricultural machinery. This is one of the Italian excellences, with a turnover of over 11 billion and about 100,000 employees
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During the assembly of the associated industries, the votes were held to elect the president of the Federation and the presidents and vice-presidents of the five associations that comprise it. Among the priorities specified for the next two years, a greater presence in political workgroups and the further development of trade fair activities. The relaunching of the "made in Italy" guiding theme of the public part, which saw the participation of the MEP Paolo De Castro, of the chief economist of Confindustria Andrea Montanino, of the general director of Ice Roberto Luongo, and of the managing director of GRS Ricerche Enrico Gallorini
The use of biomethane can bring new opportunities for mechanized agriculture. To examine this issue in a perspective of supply-chain, the MiSE (Ministry of the Economic Development) established a technical work table with Italy's main stakeholders, among which FederUnacoma
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The agreement between the Pordenone exhibition agency and the agricultural machinery manufacturers' federation was presented in Rome for three biennial editions starting from January 2021. The agreement strengthens the exhibition dedicated to the wine production sector, making Pordenone a centre of excellence for the sector at a national and international level
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The text of a decree-law defining a new timing for the inspection of tractors and other types of machines bearing a registration plate has been published on the Ministry of Transport website. The dead line for inspections of the first group of vehicles registered before 1983 is postponed for two years but the implementation of the decree-law indicating the relevant control procedures is still not effective
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The 2019 edition of the showcase of technologies and machines for agriculture, to be held in the Bari exhibition centre from 10 to 13 October next, was presented in Bari. Growing numbers and a new section dedicated to animal husbandry, with the exhibition of fine breeds of cattle, horses, sheep and goats, characterize the review, organized by FederUnacoma and Nuova Fiera del Levante with the support of the Puglia Region Agriculture Department. Agrilevante confirms itself as a point of point reference for operators in the entire Mediterranean area, but also in Sub-Saharan Africa and some Asian regions
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The revival of agricultural mechanization depends on the ability of companies in the primary sector to make investments, therefore on their profitability. Economic output of agriculture – this is one of the central themes debated during the General Assembly of FederUnacoma – can be improved with innovative technologies, sustainable cultivation systems and principles of circular economy capable of guaranteeing production with a higher added value. During the Assembly new elections were also held to appoint new officers
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FederUnacoma organized a day of work in Reggio Emilia dedicated to analyses and proposals for further strengthening the international agricultural machinery exposition scheduled for next November 7 to 11 in Bologna. Taking part in the event were 140 FederUnacoma industries representatives which enlivened work on agriculture 4.0, the agro-food supply chain, the components and gardening sector and new criteria for furnishing the trade fair quarters
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The training programme that FederUnacoma has developed for its companies is in full swing, including seminars on topics such as the internationalization of companies, the economic evaluation of the company, the management of human resources, the use of the web for promotion and marketing as well as new agronomic techniques and new trends in architecture and design for trade fairs
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Regulations and such Directives as the Mother Regulation or those on engine emissions and noise levels undergo constant updates of machinery produced by the manufacturing industries. This regime leads to increasing costs passed on to the sticker prices of machinery to drive agricultural enterprises to buy second-hand machinery which does not renew their inventories