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According to analysts and industry associations, the global tire market is expected to reach 7 billion dollars this year, marking a +5.1% increase over 2024. Europe will also see increases reach USD 2.3 billion.
The trends for the near future
Latest generation technologies are strategic to counteracting the effects of climate change in the Mediterranean region. The need to fill the mechanization gap or to overhaul an obsolete vehicle fleet is driving the demand for machinery. Investments in the Mediterranean basin will pick up again in the three-year period 2026-2028
After two consecutive years in the red, the sales of green machinery and technologies in 2024 returned into the black (+1.5%), with more than 1.37 million units sold. The increase was seen across all the main product types: from hedge trimmers to lawnmowers, brush cutters and blowers. Chainsaws and snowplows on the other hand saw a drop in sales
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The end-of-year results show a significant decrease in sales for all main types of machines. The drop is due to an increase in production costs combined with the difficulty of access to credit by buyers. The negative trend is also being seen in Europe and North America
The unfavorable trend in the agricultural and industrial sectors in the first six months of 2024 has seen a decrease in the sales of tractors on the international market, which reported an overall decline of 12% compared to the same period in 2023. The decline is due to cyclical factors, not to a drop in the need for technologies
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A downturn in components is expected in 2024. The setback ends a prolonged growth phase that began in 2018. The
new year should not see any significant reversals of trend. Builders' are excersing caution
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Registration data for the first nine months of the year show declines for all vehicle types. An increase in list prices along with a drop in agricultural incomes and the wait for new incentives are the causes behind the current downturn
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The national agricultural machinery market closed the first six months of the year with a significant decline for all types of machinery, starting with tractors
(-17.3%). The trend is due to the unfavourable economic situation but not to a crisis in demand, that still holds good growth potential
The weather trend is affecting the market for gardening and landscaping machinery. After a start to the year characterised first by high temperatures and then by a winter recrudescence, the spring season stabilised, alternating between rainy and sunny days, thus...
The President of FederUnacoma Mariateresa Maschio described, before the assembly of manufacturers, the potential of the market, but also the set of economic and geopolitical variables that can hinder trade
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The "old continent" ended 2023 with a total of 158,000 tractors sold, marking -5% on the previous year. France, Germany and England are holding up, while Italy, Poland and Spain are registering double-digit liabilities. No significant turnarounds expected for 2024
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The first four months of the year marked a substantial market contraction for all types of agricultural machinery. Tractors and combine harvesters drop by 21% and 52%, tractors with loading platform by 12%; negative
sign also for trailers (-4%) and telehandlers (-33%)
The twelfth world economy continues to grow, and it also does so in the name of agriculture and avant-garde mechanisation. Forecasts indicate that over the next five years the sector is expected to grow by 7.3% per year to reach a value of 4.5 billion Australian dollars
In 2023 tractor sales will again exceed the 900,000 mark and set a new record. The Mahindra brand leads the market, however, Italian manufacturers have an established presence in both the tractor and equipment segments
Geopolitics, inflation and climate change affect the performance of the market, which is declining for all the main types of products. Plant residue shredders, hedge trimmers, blowers and robot lawnmowers showed a plus sign. No significant turnarounds are expected for 2024
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Tractor sales fell over the past twelve months to 17,613 units (-12.9%). It is mainly the medium power ranges that are losing ground. Minus signs also for telescopic handlers (-3.4%) and trailers (-8.1%). Against this trend were combine harvesters (+10.2%) and tractors with loading platforms (+15.9%). The downturn is due to economic and geopolitical factors. FederUnacoma: demand for tractors is worth over 70,000 units, but is largely met by obsolete second-hand vehicles
In the first ten months of 2023, the agro-mechanical sector experienced a two-speed trend. Sales of tractors and self-propelled harvesting machines fell, but those of equipment, particularly for tillage and seeding, grew
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During a press conference held in Hanover on 14 November, Agrievolution presented an analysis of the performance of the main markets. 2023, according to analysts, could close with a slowdown in sales
In the first nine months of the year, the Italian market recorded an overall decline of 12%, and according to Comagarden's calculations, the end of the year is expected to be around -7%. Inflation reduces the propensity to purchase gardening equipment, especially on the part of the general public of private individuals and hobbyists
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The sector, which has a countercyclical vocation, has been growing for five years but could slow down in 2023. For the last months of the year manufacturers expect a drop in orders and revenues, due to tensions in the commodity market and the monetary tightening. The weight of the geopolitical variable
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Tractor sales figures for August and September show different trends from country to country. While the United States shows a decline compared to last year, India is still growing, while Europe as a whole shows a downward trend that could become more pronounced in the last months of the year. Economic uncertainty and geopolitical tensions still linked to inflation and the war in Ukraine, is aggravated by the new conflict that erupted in the Middle East
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With 912,000 tractors sold in 2022 and 680,000 in the first nine months of this year, the Indian Subcontinent remains the world's leading market. Investment in mechanization is necessary, given a gross agricultural area of 200 million hectares and a growing population. The objectives of the agricultural policy are to provide food security as well as to diversify production to improve the food style and profitability of agriculture
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In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations show a decline greater than the European average (-4,5%). The market's performance is affected by rising prices, interest rates, and the slowdown of the purchase incentives system. Mariateresa Maschio, president of the manufacturers' association, hopes for a faster implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the quick activation of the Innovation Fund launched by the government
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The first half of the year, albeit with significant national differences, shows substantial stability in the European tractor market, confirming the high sales volumes seen in the same period last year. In the second half of the year, a drop in demand is expected due to falling farm incomes and reduced 4.0 incentives
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Demand for tractors, operating machinery, equipment and components remains at good levels, but turnover is growing beyond all expectations due to the sharp rise in prices. The value of Italian exports increases by 16.7% and pushes national production to 15.5 billion euro
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Sales figures show a drop for tractors and growth for other types, but registrations partly refer to vehicles booked in 2022. The 4.0 incentives, which have greatly boosted purchases in recent years, are running out
The market for gardening and landscaping machinery and equipment ends the first half of the year on a downward trend. Sales figures - processed by the Comagarden manufacturers' association on the basis of the Morgan survey network - indicate a...
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In the first five months of the year, the Indian tractor market is on the way to setting new sales records, while the USA is showing a moderate decline compared to last year, but still high volumes. Two-speed trend for Europe: Germany and the United Kingdom are growing, Spain and Italy are slowing down. France is stable
Sales of green care machinery and equipment recorded a loss of 19.6%, confirming last year's negative trend. Weather anomalies and inflationary dynamics discourage purchases, although a partial recovery is expected during the course of the year. The importance of technological innovation, especially for urban maintenance. The appointment with the DemoGreen demonstration event (28 and 29 September) in San Donato Milanese
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European tire market down 22% in 2022. In the sales ranking Italy confirms its third position. India and Japan increasingly global players
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In a 2022 characterised by the raw material crisis and the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, all major world markets are reporting a drop in tractor sales. The drop is caused by cyclical factors, against a demand that continues to be lively. India bucked the trend, touching new records
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Italian exports continue to grow in 2022, recording a percentage increase of 15 points between January and November compared to the same period in 2021. United States, France and Germany remain the main importers of Italian agricultural machinery
Unfavourable weather and rising prices are holding back the market for gardening and landscaping machinery and equipment, which closes the year with a 15.2% drop. Almost all types of equipment were in the negative. Purchases in the mid-level segment were penalised: the gap between high-end technologies and low-priced vehicles with lower quality requirements is growing
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Sales fell for all major types of agricultural machinery. The market downturn, which may be considered partly normal after the boom in 2021, is also due to the well-known supply problems and high raw material prices. Demand for machinery, however, remains high, thanks to government incentives. Allocations for agricultural machinery under the NRRP are in the pipeline
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Agricultural equipment sales have maintained good levels over the past two and a half years, characterised by the economic crises following the Covid pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine. In the nine months from January to September 2022, the market remained at higher volumes than before the 2020 pandemic, although between the end of this year and the first part of 2023 the sector is set to be affected by inflation
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Figures processed by FederUnacoma on the basis of Ministry of Transport registrations show a total of 17,256 tractors in October, down 15.3% on 2021 but with a sales volume still above pre-Covid levels. Good sales levels also for combine harvesters and telehandlers
Figures released by Comagarden/Morgan for the first nine months of the year indicate an overall drop of 15.2% compared to the same period in 2021. All product types were down, but with a counter-trend in battery-powered models. A slower production pace and lower demand from maintenance technicians and green hobbyists are the causes of the downturn, which is expected to be confirmed at the end of the year
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Tractor sales fall in the first six months of the year on all major world markets but nevertheless, confirm high volumes. Demand for mechanical equipment driven by the transition to Agriculture 4.0 and sustainable practices. The uncertainty of the geopolitical scenario
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The economic downturn is reflected in the market for agricultural machinery, which is declining for all types, yet sales volumes are still good. In the nine months from January to September, 15,800 tractors were sold, a lower number than the 18,500 of the same period in 2021, but still higher than the average of the last four years. Manufacturer President Alessandro Malavolti points out the difficulties of the current economic situation and hopes for a relaunch of the incentive system
Sales figures for gardening and landscaping equipment indicate a decline in the first half of the year compared to the previous year, but still high volumes. After the boom in the first half of 2021 (+33.7%), the figures for 2022 indicate a drop of 13.6%, which suggests a total number of items sold at the end of the year of around 1,480,000. Variations in the sector's trend may occur - warns the manufacturers' president Renato Cifarelli - as a result of the uncontrolled increase in production costs and therefore in the final price of machinery released on the market
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Between January and June, the italian agricultural machinery market recorded a downturn for all the main types of machinery, but confirmed sales volumes above the average of the last four years. FederUnacoma: lively demand, decline due to problems in the supply chain. Variables relating to raw materials and the geopolitical scenario are weighing on the rest of the year
The Asian giant will surpass one million registered units in 2021, establishing itself as by far the most active country in the agricultural machinery market. The figures - released during EIMA Agrimach India - describe a market that has more than doubled in the ten-year period 2009-2019, and today has a clear advantage over the - also very substantial - markets of China, the United States and Europe
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After a strongly profitable 2021, the first quarter of the new year saw a slight contraction for the European tractor market, which lost 5.3%. Nevertheless, demand for agricultural machinery continues to remain at high levels. War in Ukraine, rising raw material prices, and logistics problems are the main unknowns for the coming months
Sales figures for gardening and landscaping machinery and equipment indicate a decline (-7.4%) in the first three months of the year after the record growth recorded in 2021. Variables related to weather trends and industrial raw material supplies may influence the market in the coming months, although forecasts for the end of the year indicate still high sales volumes
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During 2022, the Italian agricultural machinery market should maintain good levels, also due to the presence of incentives and financing. On the industrial front, however, the cost of raw materials and energy is likely to curb production and substantially increase machinery prices
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Public incentive tools are contributing to the growth of agriculture 4.0 in Italy. Between 2020 and 2021 the turnover of the digital market tripled, rewarding in particular expenditure on machines and equipment connected natively. As investments in 'smart' systems have grown, so has their spread: today 6% of the agricultural surface area is cultivated with smart technologies
All the main product types closed with a profit. Significant increases were recorded for trimmers (+21.6%), chainsaws (+15.1%) and lawn mowers (+12.9%). Sprayers, which are also used for sanitisation during the most critical moments of the pandemic emergency, went against the trend, down 33.8%. A total of 1,660,148 units were sold in 2021, including self-propelled machines, powered equipment and hand tools
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Data provided by the manufacturers' associations indicate sales increases in all the main areas of the world. Tractors grew in Europe by an average of 16.6%, with peaks in Italy (+36%) and Poland (+43%). The market is still dynamic in the current year, but with the uncertainties linked to the strong increase in the costs of raw materials and fuels
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At the end of the year, registration figures show very significant increases for tractors (+36%) and other types of vehicles. The effects of incentives for 4.0 machinery, which will remain in force in the new year, are positive. Further support may come from EU funds, through the Rural Development Plans (RDP) and the Next Generation EU (Recovery Plan)
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Europe ended the first half of the year with 25% growth compared to the same period in 2020.
All European countries are in the black. The raw material crisis is weighing on the market, but demand remains high
During the 30th Meeting of Club of Bologna, which took place in the frame of EIMA International, the deputy general manager of FederUnacoma, Fabio Ricci, presented the characteristics of the spare parts sector which in Italy - fourth European market – has a turnover of 670 million euros
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Tractor sales figures indicate record increases in all major countries. The general economic recovery encourages investments," says FederUnacoma President Alessandro Malavolti, "but what is crucial is the good performance of agricultural production and, above all, the growth prospects of the primary sector, which within the next nine years is going to grow by 18% for plant production and 13% for livestock products
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In the first nine months of the year, tractor registrations grew by 43.8%, and strong increases were recorded for all other types of machinery. The excellent performance of the domestic market combined with the growth of exports - says Alessandro Malavolti, president of the manufacturers - will lead to an overall turnover of the Italian industry of no less than 14 billion Euros by the end of the year
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The data on sales of machinery and equipment for gardening and landscaping aannounced at EIMA. Italian market at + 24.3% in nine months 2021, and exports for lawn mowers and chainsaws also up (+23% in July). Turnover 2021 of Italian industries expected at +15% for a value of almost one billion euros. The president of Comagarden, Renato Cifarelli, highlights the problem of raw materials, and the rising costs for Italian companies