Countries from all over the world met in Dubai to fight climate change. It is essential to triple the production of energy from renewable sources and phase out all fossil fuels "in a just, orderly and equitable manner"
While setting out very important principles, the climate conference in Scotland appears to be non-binding on timetables and targets. The targets become more ambitious, while the timetables become looser. The general feeling is that we will have to wait until next year's COP27 in Egypt to find out how to meet the 1.5 °C limit
The heavy use of plastic of fossil origin in agriculture must be contained by using innovative materials that are far more sustainable. Nowadays, following years of research and experimentation, it is possible to realize technical means biodegradable to the soil, resulting from increasing shares of "biobased" raw materials. We will talk about these opportunities in-depth in EIMA Digital Preview
The region is among those most exposed to geological risk and has potentially good economic resources to carry out the works. However, the distribution of responsibilities between the different bodies and the mechanisms for allocating funds and launching construction sites are holding back the projects’ implementation. This also affects the mechanization front, since the failure to start up the construction sites is holding back the development of demand for specific agricultural machinery and equipment
The European Commission is at the forefront of tackling climate change. A new directive requires member states to draw up specific integrated national energy and climate plans for 2030. The intention is to eliminate the climate-changing emissions of the Old Continent within 30 years, driving sustainable development on a global level. Italy, with its Plan, undertakes to contribute substantially
Green chemistry can provide more effective and sustainable solutions to the many problems affecting the agricultural sector. A survey conducted by the CREA Policies and Bio-economy Research Center examined research institutions, operators and administrations, in order to identify innovative techniques and technologies with a low environmental impact and to protect the agrosystems involved in fruit and vegetable industry. By focusing on combined actions, green chemistry (as opposed to chemical syntheses) aims at preventing rather than treating and curing. In this context, mechanization plays a relevant role
For the first time MIPAAF (the Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies) has provided in a detailed report, a precise description of the Italian forest heritage and of the associated production chains. This work - unique for its completeness – is aimed at tracing the guidelines for sustainable production development of the woods, monitoring their evolution
A recent survey conducted by the United Nations launches the alarm on the sharp increase of poverty and malnutrition afflicting hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Among the main causes of this problem, experts suggest that climate change is at the origin of many conflicts in volatile geo-political areas. Therefore, it is necessary to act at all levels to speed up the economy's decarbonization process towards sustainable systems of production and consumption
Strategies for reducing greenhouse gases include various types of interventions, including the application of technologies that optimize production processes, significantly reducing energy consumption. Some specific surveys show that the "French model" proves the most efficient in the reduction of energy consumption, but significant results have also been achieved by certain Italian industrial sectors. Overall, Europe has invested heavily to support an increased use of renewable energies
The ongoing climate change must be fought with effective measures to be implemented in a short time and on a global scale. At present, the commitments declared at the COP21 by the countries attending the conference appear inadequate to prevent the risk of irreversible events of environmental imbalances. Policy-makers will have the task to define responsible strategies in contrast to that
The ecocompatibility requirements for mechanical operations is making the use of biological lubricants more feasible. Among the new products on the market is Matrol-Bi, produced by the Sincro consortium set up by Novamont and Coldiretti
The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, presented an extensive programme aiming at combining soil protection, renewable energy sources and employment. The recent disaster in Sardinia show the nedd and urgency of an organic intervention