Walvoil, presents new control systems
Walvoil presented at Agritechnica 2013 new control systems for front loaders which, among the company's hydraulic and electronic products and systems, ensure safety in operation, low cost and ease of installation. Walvoil opened with a basic system targeted on end-users and Original Equipment Manufacturers featuring simplicity in installation and control thanks to reliability and the third flangable function. The system is made up of an SDM104/2+1 valve and an SCF031 joystick with cable. The Easy system, on the other hand, is mecatronic for the open center monoblock valves of the load sensing SDM122/DLM122 type in two sections with new generation MCS mecatronic modules controlled by a CAN CJW joystick for the operation of deviation flows to control auxiliary functions. Also new for Walvoil is an advanced electrohydraulic system which ensures the highest level of safety combined with high performance. The five components of the system are an open center proportional valve with load sensing, the SDM127/DLM127 in two sections with an electric safety valve, a low leak valve for course reduction and controlled descent, position sensors on SPSL cursors, a CAN CED252 CPU and a CAN CJW joystick with hybrid redundancy signals. The CPU guarantees safety by performing the typical control functions of the application, controlling the valves and monitoring. The system is Isobus ready for increasing Walvoil's contribution to the the technology of electronic interconnectability within the machine system.