Salvarani, last generation components at Agritechnica
Ad Hanover, the Salvarani company, based in Poviglio (in the province of Reggo Emilia, Italy), presented a joystick with a proportional 4-axis hall-effect base, featuring an ergonomic grip and 2 rollers that are also proportional. The base - explains the Reggio Emilia-based manufacturer - is easily programmable with a computer application; all you have to do is set the minimum and maximum trigger threshold, as well as the up and down ramp. The power supply is 8-30VDC output. Of course, the Salvarani joystick lends itself to various types of customisation. In fact, it can be equipped with additional proportional rollers and up to four ON/OFF buttons: two at the front and two at the rear. In the push-button panel segment, the company offers the modular Box P90 Tree Detect model, suitable for controlling two sectors and equipped with two valves, one general and one pressure valve. The push-button panel, supplemented by two potentiometers (for an automatic ON-OFF of the sectors) and ultrasonic sensors, provides various adjustment and detection systems that can be applied manually or automatically by the operator. Designed for machines specialised in phytosanitary treatments, Box P90 Tree Detect performs two primary functions. With the first, called the vineyard function (continuous row), the operator only has to set the delay time between sensor and nozzles, at which point the machine will automatically deliver the treatment according to the detection conducted on the plant. With the second one, on the other hand, called 'olive tree function' (single plants), in addition to having to set the delay time between sensor and nozzles, the user also has to specify the treatment delivery time according to the working width. Finally, among the new products from Salvarani is the modular Agro3 System Box equipped with a monitor with NFC and Bluetooth connectivity. The Agro3 System Box technology is suitable for the control and management of phytosanitary treatments with boom sprayers, air-blust sprayers and trenching machines.