Tecnofruit, fruit picking in expert hands
With over 40 years of experience in the field of belted fruit harvesting machines, Hermes brings Tecnofruit to EIMA 2016. This “belt harvesting system” requires the manpower needed to detach the fruit from the plant and place it on the belt, but it completely automates the successive phases of transport and storage in containers.
The belts are constructed of flexible plastic material with fingerlike protrusions that gently welcome the fruit and prevent it from rolling, so as to avoid damage to its surface. In this way the harvesting can also be extended to more delicate fruits. The next steps involve the use of rotating brushes that “gently” guide the products and finally rest them directly into bins housed in the automated rear trailer, avoiding the stresses due to the transfer from one container to another. Using Tecnofruit eliminates the distribution of empty bins to the row in the morning, because the machine hauls a special wagon that carries up to 12 empty bins and 3 full bins. Their unloading from full to empty occurs in about 30 seconds, while the operators can continue to harvest the fruit since the belts continue to run. With this system, the machine from the Bolzano company enables an increase of 35% of the harvesting speed, with an hourly production capacity per person that can reach up to 300 kg/hour. The operators, whose number may vary from 6 to 8 depending on the machine model used, work in total safety and do not require specific training. They are placed on independent adjustable platforms with railings, which allow for the simultaneous harvesting on various levels of the production zone. Tecnofruit has a sturdy frame, and while providing a good grip to the ground even on slopes, it is characterized by its particular lightness, which helps to preserve the inter-row.