MerloMobility, controllo totale
After the continuous presentation of innovative machines, Merlo, leader of the telescopic handler segment, focuses its attention on a fleet control system resulting from the research of the Cuneo-based company, and presents the new MerloMobility at Agritechnica.
This system has been developed with several objectives: providing more information to the user to make the service more complete through a redesigned interface; creating differentiated user profiles to meet the needs of a wider range of users, from individuals to large rental companies; incorporating tools to perform initial remote diagnostics in the event of a failure; and continuing to improve the rate of data sampling.
MerloMobility also intervenes on the security front with an anti-theft function of the engine block (remotely) and with the setting of geofence and usage limits (again remotely), on the monitoring front with constant geolocation and with total control of consumption and usage patterns, on the analysis of the operating cost and cost allocation through order management.
At the maintenance level MerloMobility allows you to remotely and in real time diagnose errors and malfunctions (faults, dashboard), manages automatic maintenance alerts, facilitated software updates (for traceability) and engine related information and errors (Powertrain & ATS).
For the user, the vehicle registration process through the new App has been simplified and made more efficient. After selecting the 'Add Vehicle' option, simply enter the chassis number and scan the QR Code on the MerloMobility Card, then follow the guided instructions. Similarly, on the dealer side the procedure has also been made much more intuitive. In addition, within the new homepage, the customer can easily access the functions of the site, obtaining immediate information on the trend of the vehicles, in terms of efficiency, and on which vehicles need maintenance. In addition, you can obtain information related to the following areas: Electronics, Powertrain & ATS, summary, geometric, TCO calculation and maintenance.
In the Electronics section, you can see three possible options: the first is that of the software, where you can view the status of the control units; the second option concerns the configurations currently set on the machine. Going into the configuration details you can see the update history. Finally, the last function is the one that shows the control unit errors and the error history on the machine. Going into detail of the control unit you can see the history of the control unit.
In the Powertrain & ATS area, detailed information about the machine's engine is available, both for a better understanding of the technical specifications and performance of the vehicle and for the possibility of obtaining technical support remotely.
And more: MerloMobility allows you to have a precise idea of operating costs. The TCO Merlo tool has in fact the objective of allowing customers to evaluate the costs of owning and using one of our machines. Each Merlo telescopic handler will be the subject of a cost analysis. The tool works on the basis of calculations based on consumption history (contained in MerloMobility) and on a series of depreciation, cost, maintenance factors that have been determined by the Marketing Department/SAV/Merlo Technician.
The results that the customer obtains are different: a pie chart where the impacts of the different cost items are represented; the estimate of the residual value of the machine at the end of the period considered and, above all, the total annual cost of its machine.