Lemken, turnover increases in 2018
Positive year closing for the German company Lemken. The brand from Alpen (a city not far from Dusseldorf) specializes in technologies for soil processing, and it closed 2018 with a significant increase in turnover, which reached 380 million euros (+6% in 2017). As the manufacturer points out, the increase in turnover occurred despite the progressive worsening of the economic situation. “Our planning and scheduling activities - explains the CEO of Lemken, Anthony van der Ley - were penalized by a decidedly unfavourable weather and climate scenario, which put our suppliers under pressure”. “Fortunately - continues the CEO of the German company - the flexibility and dedication of our employees have enabled us to meet all customer requests in time, both in terms of orders and services”. In this context, Germany continues to be the key market for Lemken (turnover up 8% in 2018), followed by France - here sales started to rise again after some years of stagnation - then the Benelux countries, Spain and Italy. The trend is positive also in the US and Canada, where turnover has increased by double-digit percentages. Conversely, the trend in Russia has been marked by lights and shadows. For Lemken, the Russian market is the second key market, however 2018 recorded lower sales than expected. From the product category point of view, the most positive results were scored by ploughs, disc tillers and seeders, but in general all the ranges of the German company went well. According to the forecasts that Lemken has prepared on the basis of this first glimpse of the year, the upward trend should be confirmed in 2019, also thanks to the flywheel effect of the new arrivals, among which we highlight the Rubin model, a compact 10-disc tiller, and the semi-mounted Diamant 16 plough.