Training experiences for the "new generation"
The exhibition of agricultural machinery for the Mediterranean includes initiatives specifically dedicated to students at agricultural and industrial technical institutes. Guided tours, workshops, seminars and driving simulators will be available for young people who aspire to work in contact with the most advanced agro-mechanical technologies
In southern Italy, as in the entire Mediterranean area, agricultural mechanisation has considerable potential for development, as demand for food products is growing and increasingly sustainable farming systems requiring innovative means need to be introduced. However, mechanisation will not be able to spread effectively without a technical assistance system and without the training of specialised professionals. In fact, today's technologies require increasingly higher skills, also due to the presence on machines and equipment of advanced electronic devices that must regulate operations and require expert programming and management. In order to promote training in the agro-mechanical field and spread awareness of new technologies, Agrilevante has scheduled a programme aimed at students at agricultural institutes and industrial technical institutes in Puglia and Basilicata, which includes guided tours, meetings and seminars. The activities aimed at the student target group will partly take place in the exhibition's Desk Area, set up in hall 19, where an agricultural tractor driving simulator and a tractor overturning simulator will be available for young people, offering an evocative experience of the world of agricultural mechanics and initial training in the safe use of mechanical means. For the student public - explain the experts of the FederUnacoma Technical Office, who in cooperation with Federacma are looking after this section of the exhibition - two different "educational" routes are available: the Levante Tour and the Mech@agrijobs. In the first case, these are visits to the Fair, guided by experts trained by FederUnacoma, aimed at showing the wide range of technologies produced today for every type of agricultural processing; while in the second case, these are workshops reserved for fifth grade students, aimed at introducing them to the professional opportunities offered by agricultural mechanics companies. Indeed, agriculture is aiming for a quantum leap, and this is possible thanks to a new generation of technicians, who can work both as users on farms and as designers and testers in agro-mechanical industries. The training activities planned as part of Agrilevante - FederUnacoma's Technical Service managers remind us - are aimed not only at the young target audience but also at professionals. In fact, an interregional training event for operators of the Prevention and Safety Service ASL of the Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria Regions will be held during the Bari event, with the aim of providing information on the risks connected with the use of agricultural machinery and describing the safety requirements that new machines can now display.