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Think Tank FederUnacoma, focus on training

The Federation's annual Think Tank was held in Serralunga d'Alba, in the heart of the Langhe area. The focus was on market data, scenario analyses and a on training needs. Presented the AFI Academy, a new FederUnacoma project to strengthen professional skills
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The main training requirements of Italian agricultural mechanics

The thematic tables of the FederUnacoma Think Tank provided useful insights into the demand for training expressed by the agro-mechanical industry. The need for new skills is not always met by our training system, thus penalising the competitiveness of our companies

Agricultural mechanization, the strategic role of training

The Indian primary sector is undergoing a transition to high-tech cultivation techniques, which has increased the demand for innovative machinery. In order to make full use of its features, specific training courses are needed, also for family businesses and women farmers

Muner: specific training for off-road vehicles

The Motorvehicle University of Emilia Romagna (MUNER) is organising an innovative training course this year - called the Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering Program - for the design of off-road vehicles, including tractors, combine harvesters and earth-moving machines. Muner was born in...

Desk area, simulators and training courses for young people and technicians

Training in the spotlight at Agrilevante in the Desk area set up by FederUnacoma. More than 400 students from agricultural institutes in Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria took part in the training days. Two simulators for driving experience in safety

Training experiences for the "new generation"

The exhibition of agricultural machinery for the Mediterranean includes initiatives specifically dedicated to students at agricultural and industrial technical institutes. Guided tours, workshops, seminars and driving simulators will be available for young people who aspire to work in contact with the most advanced agro-mechanical technologies

EIMA, the key role of training for agriculture 4.0

Continuous training for the development of the new skills required at the centre of a conference promoted by Maschio Gaspardo. Made in Italy also enhanced through the most modern digital technologies. Supply chain agreements extended to the world of large-scale organised distribution. The challenge of productivity

The Groundsman, the professional of the sports fields

During of EIMA International, a training project was presented for those who have to take care of green areas in sports facilities. Set up by the Grassmed association, the training project aims to achieve recognition of this professional role, on a par with what has been happening abroad for years

Young people in agriculture: a focus on training

Agia and FederUnacoma highlight the weak points of an educational and training system that should instead support new technologies and define new professional roles

Focus on vocational education and training

The programme of events of the world exhibition of agricultural machinery will include initiatives for strengthening educational plans and defining new professional profiles for the sector. EIMA Campus, Club of Bologna and FederUnacoma Workshops are the rendez-vous on this topic that are already on the calendar

Mechanization and biomass production: a multimedia training course

As production resumes after the stoppage caused by the pandemic, great opportunities emerge for the green economy, but the primary sector needs workers in the field. With this in mind, the Ministry of Agriculture has funded a training course, available for free online, on the mechanization of the supply chains linked to bioenergy
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Training, a strategic asset for agricultural mechanization

The training programme that FederUnacoma has developed for its companies is in full swing, including seminars on topics such as the internationalization of companies, the economic evaluation of the company, the management of human resources, the use of the web for promotion and marketing as well as new agronomic techniques and new trends in architecture and design for trade fairs
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Revision and training, a strategy for safety

The correct use of agricultural machinery and equipment at the centre of a conference at the Foggia Fair. Safety policy involves manufacturers in designing intrinsically safe machines, and involves users and dealer networks with specific awareness-raising and training initiatives

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