Seppi M. the new generation of the MIDIPIERRE stone crusher
Seppi M. has redesigned the historic MIDIPIERRE stone crusher. The first prototype saw the light in 1987, and since then the machine has been constantly improved. The equipment was designed by technicians from South Tyrol and Trentino - the Seppi M. headquarters are located in Mezzolombardo - to be used by agricultural professionals, contractors and companies in the construction sector who need a high-performance machine. In fact, MIDIPIERRE, combined with medium power tractors (from 80 to 130 HP) with super-low gear, can be used both for the recovery of agricultural land and for replanting operations, but also for crushing stones on surfaces and roads or for removing debris on construction sites. Available in working widths of 125 and 150 centimetres, the stone crusher is particularly suitable for use between rows of trees, in orchards and vineyards, from which stones up to 20 cm in diameter must be removed; the rotor can work up to to a depth of 12 centimetres. Thanks to its compact design and robustness, MIDIPIERRE is able to offer optimal performance even in difficult working conditions. The Seppi M. model is produced with high quality anti-wear materials and with interchangeable wear plates. Finally, the SUPER DUO tools, equipped with tungsten carbide inserts and anti-wear supports, ensure – declares the Trentino manufacturer – high resistance and durability over time.