Muner: specific training for off-road vehicles
The Motorvehicle University of Emilia Romagna (MUNER) is organising an innovative training course this year - called the Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering Program - for the design of off-road vehicles, including tractors, combine harvesters and earth-moving machines. Muner was born in 2017 from the collaboration between the Universities of Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Parma, and various companies in the Motor Valley, with the support of the Emilia Romagna Region and with the aim of training the engineers of the future and promoting technological solutions capable of responding to the challenges of climate change. There are three master's degree courses activated by the University - Electric Vehicle Engineering, Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles, Advanced Automotive Engineering - with nine specialist curricula. Approximately one thousand students have graduated in these disciplines to date. The design of off-road vehicles requires specific knowledge in the technical, scientific and agronomic fields, and the new training course - which will be launched in spring - aims to offer students these skills. The path includes a summer school, organised with the support of the Marco Biagi Foundation and CNH, for a practical experience with an overview of the latest trends in the sector. From September the program will then be integrated into the master's degree course in Advanced Automotive Engineering, with a curriculum specialised in the design of Off-Highway vehicles. The new proposal falls within the Muner philosophy of a practical approach and learning through direct experience, together with access to cutting-edge technologies and contact with world-class professionals, trying to bridge the gap that is sometimes found between academia and industry.