Enduro from Kverneland, a versatile tiller
Enduro is the name of the new anchor tiller developed by Kverneland, a versatile work tool able to perform verious types of operations. Available in two versions, Enduro and Enduro PRO, the tiller is suitable for both reduced tillage and minimal tillage. The two models feature three rows of anchors, with working widths from 3 to 5 metres in rigid or foldable carrying configuration. The 270/285 mm space between the anchors and the 750 mm distance between the rows provide good residue mixing without the risk of clogging. The working depth is 30 cm for the Enduro version and 35 cm for the Enduro PRO. The two models are equipped with the Triflex Auto-reset release point anchor with 700 kilos tension. Its narrow design and its unique shape - a company note reads - reduce the force necessary for traction while maintaining excellent penetration even with the most difficult soils. “The technical advantage of the Triflex anchor - said Guillaume Hulin, director of the Kverneland plant in Les Landes-Genusson in France - is given by the combination of the material used and the treatment to which it is subjected. The hollow interior allows lateral flexion up to 7 cm. The double angled shape allows the soil to be penetrated, lifted and crushed like a subsoiler in the upper part, and to mix crop residues and soil in the lower part in the best possible way”.
The leveling of the ground can take place by means of a finger harrow or with a disc, depending on the type of device, and the cushioning is with classic springs or with rubber shock absorbers, while the recompaction is guaranteed by a wide series of rollers suitable for different conditions that the operator might find in the field.