Negri's solutions for the treatment of vegetable residues
The Negri ranges of bioshredders and chippers will be in the foreground at Fieragricola led off by the P70E chipper model built by the manufacturer in Campitello, near Mantua, for chipping vegetable materials for the production of pellets. The machine is designed for handling various types of forestry materials, from pine and larch to oak and prickly chestnut husks, all with humidity content at below 12%. In the sector of bioshredders, the focus will be on the R280 model, a medium size machine for professional end-users. This shredder is equipped with a new cutting system made up of a shredding rotor carrying 24 mobile hardened steel hammers and two fixed blades on the edge of the rotor plus two blades on the extremity of the rotor for ejecting the shredded product. One of the R280's strong points is that the machine makes it possible to shred small and medium size residues at high hourly production rates out of a single hopper to sidestep any need to tear branches apart before feeding. The combined work of the hammers and blades speeds up operations and, in fact, is extremely efficient in shredding fibrous vegetation such as palm and lime tree wood of up to 15 mmÆ. Discharge is taken care of by a chute which can be rotated 270° at the height of 2.28 meters and a mobile screen with vertical bars performs the refining of output. In the same merchandise category is the compact R185 with a hydraulic feeder roller designed for professional as well as hobbyist use. The shredding group is made up of a disc with two front blades for the first cuts and ten mobile hammers to the rear for completing the refined shredding. Four vertical bars located behind the disk expel the product through a chute which can be rotated 270° at the height of 2.28 meters with discharge which can be regulated. The shredding tools on the R185 make it possible to turn out a product which can be used to fire chip furnaces with the application of a special screen for refining the product and making it ready for pelleting. This model is available with gasoline engines, the Honda GX 270 at 9 HP, GX 390 at 13 HP or the IGX 440 at 15 HP, or the Subaru EX 27 at 9 HP or the EX 40 at 14 HP, as well as a version for mounting on a tractor three-point hitch.