MAG 2023, agricultural machinery in the spotlight
Farmer Fair is the claim of the exhibition dedicated to agricultural mechanisation that the Fondazione Ente Manifestazioni Savigliano has been organising since the early 1980s in the Cuneo area - historically devoted to agricultural work in the plains, hills and mountains - with the aim of presenting the best technologies available on the market to those working in the sector
The evolution of the National Fair of Agricultural Mechanisation in Savigliano continues, which since last year has had a new logo and an acronym of recognition - MAG - and from the next edition will become biennial. So it was announced at the conclusion of appointment no. 40, which was held at the Savigliano exhibition centre, in the province of Cuneo, from 16 to 19 March.
A total of 66,400 visitors came to the four-day event, which was attended by 280 exhibitors covering 50,000 square metres, where a complete range of machinery and equipment for primary activity was on display, with many new products.
Confagricoltura, Coldiretti, Confartigianato Cuneo, Confcommercio Savigliano, Cai Agromec, CNR Stems, Ordine Giornalisti Piemonte, Arproma and Regione Piemonte were among the protagonists of the various conferences organised within the event, which dealt with the following topics: future of the CAP, food sovereignty, PSR, PNRR AND POR-FESR, precision agriculture and contracting, animal welfare, sustainability of intensive agriculture, design of agricultural machinery and evolution of the agro-mechanical regulatory sector. The technical innovation competition - promoted on the occasion of MAG 2023 - awarded 7 innovations and 5 technical mentions. The awards - assigned by a jury made up of representatives from the main sector organisations - were handed out before the event took place during an ad hoc event organised last February. The technical innovation awards went to: Ambrogio sas, Cobra - S self-propelled straw mower; B.M.V. srl, Mechanical thresher for orchards; Dragone srl, Titano forestry mulcher and BM22 inter-row mulcher; Fissore snc, Fissore MPL-E digger; Fontana srl, Mini-Dozer motor wheelbarrow with levelling blade; Frandent group srl, E-Spander 600 electric tedder. Technical mentions for: Agricold di Bolla srl, High-efficiency pasteuriser; Argo tractors spa, Landini Trekker 4 with cab; Arvatec srl, Universal x transplanter with Isobus control; Boffa Costruzioni Meccaniche sas, As-Not: Self-propelled tool-carrying machine with electric traction and power supply; Bravo srl, Rotomix electric self-propelled mixer wagon. The province of Cuneo, which hosts the fair, is home to a district of manufacturers of agricultural and gardening equipment and machinery, who export their products all over the world. There are 20 companies in the area associated with FederUnacoma, with various specialisations, serving different agricultural and gardening crops. As usual, the Federation was present with an institutional stand for assistance to members and to provide information on the sector to the attendees. To celebrate the event, the 'Scatti di MAG. 40 anni di Fiera della Meccanizzazione Agricola a Savigliano' (Snapshots of MAG. 40 years of the Agricultural Mechanisation Fair in Savigliano) was organised, giving rise to an exhibition - hosted at the local Multifunctional Wing in Piazza del Popolo - held during the fair and over the following two weekends. MAG will return to the Savigliano fairground in March 2025.