The Savigliano fair: the innovation in agriculture
Italy's first springtime trade fair featuring agricultural machinery is the Savigliano Fair staged for the past 33 years in the Province of Cuneo. The exposition brings together new and used machinery and equipment, vintage tractors and bio-energy systems. Also on the agenda are a new technologies competition and conferences to round out the event dedicated to professionals in agriculture and the general public
The next appointment for the National Agricultural Mechanization Fair of Savigliano is set for 13 to 15 March in the BorgoMarene trade fair center in the Province of Cuneo. The 34th edition of the exposition, promoted by the Savigliano Events Agency, will take over 46,000 m², with 2,000 m² under cover, for 340 exhibitors in 900 stands displaying new and used farm and gardening machinery and equipment for more than 60,000 visitors expected to arrive. The main sponsors of the event are the manufacturers Crosetto, Merlo and Capello to maintain the format for dividing the fair into three theme areas. The most important section is set aside for market display of new agricultural machinery for viewings of complete ranges of products for soil preparation, plant treatment, harvesting and initial processing, irrigation, managing livestock and the creation and maintenance of green areas and related components. In the second area the focus will be on an equally wide range of second-hand machinery and equipment put on the market with sellers’ hopes for a second life for their goods. Arriving in the other area are vintage farm machinery and tractors for a display mounted by the Trattori&Trattoristi Association, Friends of Historic Vehicles, a group at work since 2010 aiming to promote an understanding and testimony of agricultural mechanization and recalling this history. Coming to an adjacent 1,000 m² Area Eco Tech under cover is the 7th edition of demonstration trials of machinery and equipment for bio-energy production, systems for managing renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and bio-construction. Another event confirmed for the upcoming Savigliano Fair is the new technologies competition for spotlighting new construction and function solutions developed to improve the technologies built for various farming operations. Judgement on the entries will be passed by a jury made up of representatives from CNL/Imamoter, directly promoting the competition, Aproms, the Regional Association of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers, Unacma, the National Union of Agricultural Machinery Dealers, Enama, the National Agricultural Mechanization Agency, and FederUnacoma, the National Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufactures. Also set up are meetings and conferences organized by the leading associations in the sector for updating a range of issues associated with the interests of local and national agro-food activities. The trend of agricultural machinery and equipment registrations in the Piedmont Region, hosting the trade fair, is in line with national data on the further decline in sales with tractors at 1,820 units, 27 in the Province of Cuneo, for a 2.3%, downturn, combine harvesters at 53, minus 30.3%, and trailers at 1,000, off by 4.8%. Bucking the trend here are transporters, moving from 90 to 111 units for a gain of 23.3% in registrations against a 5% decline for all Italy. FederUnacoma and the federation’s organ, Mondo Macchina/Machinery World, will be taking part at the fair with an institutional stand for providing information and assistance for exhibiting manufacturers and the specialized and general public, updates on regulatory norms and data for the sector and the federation’s services and activities. The opening hours of the Savigliano Fair are 8:30 am to 7:00 pm with free access. Only on Sunday, 15 March will the organizers provide shuttle bus service to the trade fair center.(www.fierameccanizzazioneagricola.it).