Macfrut 2015, a new edition under the banner of mechanics
The event dedicated to the fruit and vegetable sector, which takes place for the first time in Rimini's exhibition spaces, looks likely to sell out, with a thousand exhibitors and 40,000 visitors expected. Among the news of 2015, the agreement between FederUnacoma and Cesena Fiere to promote mechanical
The thirty-second edition of Macfrut, the main Italian exhibition dedicated to technologies for the fruit and vegetable sector, scheduled for September 23 to 25 at the exhibition spaces of the Fiera di Rimini, promises to be a great event. This was announced by Renzo Piraccini, Chairman of Cesena Fiere, the organizer of the event, who emphasizes that already in May, that is four months before the gates opened, 100% of the area used in the previous editions had been occupied. Moreover, according to the organizers’ estimates, also confirmed by the number of hotel reservations (up to six thousand overnight stays in Cesena and Rimini hotels), this year’s edition is expected to record more than a thousand exhibitors and over 40,000 visitors, a 60% increase (in terms of attendance) compared to the final figure for 2014. Many innovations are planned for this year, starting with the location, which for the first time has moved from the Cesena fair to the Rimini spaces, where six pavilions will be set up, four of which are reserved for post-harvest and two for pre-harvest (technical tools, nurseries, greenhouses, etc.) for a total area of 33,000 square metres.
A total of eleven exhibition sectors are planned, representing the entire fruit and vegetable chain, with particular attention to issues of internationalization, new segments of the production chain and, above all, innovation. In terms of innovation, Cesena Fiere and FederUnacoma have recently signed an agreement (see Mondo Macchina 5-6/2015) aimed at promoting mechanical technologies for fruit and vegetable farms, with the aim of making the Italian production chain more efficient and internationally competitive.
Under this partnership, at Macfrut specialist fruit and vegetable mechanics will have more space and visibility in the large pavilion reserved for pre-harvest. “The setting of Macfrut is functional to the needs of the sector - said FederUnacoma’s Chairman Goldoni at the signing of the agreement - and promotes criteria of streamlining and qualification of the production chains that guarantee the excellence of the products in this important sector of agriculture.”