Fieragricola, at full speed towards the 2016 edition
The international event which will take place in Verona during the first week of February, promises to be a successful edition for the broad participation of exhibitors and the climate of greater confidence shown by the agricultural enterprises. Also at its debut is the "Premio innovazione" (Innovation Award)
Fieragricola at Veronafiere goes to the “sold out”. The 112th edition of the international event dedicated to the primary sector – scheduled from Wednesday 3 to Sunday 6 of February with partnership of FederUnacoma – confirms a strong interest by both exhibitors and operators in innovation and the challenges that agriculture is going to face up to in the next years, starting from a production which is higher in terms of quantity and safer on the front of quality and traceability. The merit belongs to the new communitarian PAC and the start up of important programmes of rural development in Italy but also to the attention that the Italian Stability Law wants to dedicate to the primary sector. Among the measures being approved, there are also 45 million euro destined to farms, which could relaunch the sale of tractors and agricultural vehicles. “In these last years – recalls the general director of Veronafiere Giovanni Mantovani – the number of registered tractors significantly decreased, coming to 18,178 units in 2014. If the measures contained in the Stability Law were applied as quickly as possible, sales could resume especially in the light of a new impetus to sustainability and precision farming”. In addition to this, Fieragricola is an international showcase, able to attract the attention not only on mechanization, but also on animal husbandry (in the programme are scheduled the National Brown Swiss exhibition and the Open Holstein Dairy show), energy from renewable sources, green manure crops, high-added value cultivations like vineyards and orchards, without forgetting technical vehicles and live demonstrations (dynamic tests).
The “Premio Innovazione”
Debut at Fieragricola for the “Premio Innovazione”, sponsored by Veronafiere together with the specialised magazine L’Informatore Agrario, open to all exhibitors.
To the contest can compete all accomplishments transferred on the market after January 1, 2015, meant both as new products and development of existing productions, provided that the improvement is effective for performance, environmental sustainability, product quality and technical efficiency. “Agricultural growth – points out Mantovani – inevitably involves the development of those innovations directed to the two great themes of “food security” and “food safety”, namely the certainty of productions and their safety in terms of food security”.
Fieragricola has, since 1898, accompanied the evolution of the primary sector.
The next edition therefore, will give recognition to all categories offering innovative products or processes”.
Partner of this initiative will be the weekly magazine L’Informatore Agrario, directed by Antonio Boschetti who, for 70 years provides high-quality information to those who live the country by profession or passion.
The exhibitors interested in participating should fill out a form provided by L’Informatore Agrario and forward it by the next November 20, 2015.