Fiera di Verona, the great agricultural show
Verona hosts the return of Fieragricola, the international exhibition dedicated to the primary sector that since 1898 has narrated the development of this important human activity. 500 exhibitors with agricultural mechanics and zootechnics in the spotlight. A new exhibition dedicated to digital technologies, an outdoor demonstration area and a busy programme of in-depth meetings complete the picture of the exhibition event
The 115th edition of Fieragricola is about to get underway. Due to the continuing health emergency, the dates have been postponed from the end of January to March, from Wednesday 1 to Sunday 5.
500 exhibitors from 11 countries will occupy 10 halls of the Veneto exhibition centre, representing the agricultural machinery, zootechnics, specialised high value-added crops, professional services for the primary sector, and energy from renewable agricultural sources sectors, with the novelty of an exhibition dedicated to digital transition organised in collaboration with the Imageline publishing house in Pav.12.
In the livestock sector, there will be the 20th International Dairy Show dedicated to the Holstein, Red Holstein and Jersey breeds, the 53rd Brown breed exhibition and the Original Brown exhibition. On the agri-mechanical front, the main brands of agricultural machinery and equipment will be present, occupying no less than 7 halls of the available exhibition space.
More than 80 meetings are scheduled dedicated to the future of agriculture, sustainable management, safety at work, organic farming, digital agriculture, precision animal husbandry, biostimulants, improving production yields, animal welfare, NRP measures for agricultural supply chains, and water and environmental resource management.
On the eve of the fair, an International Summit will be held at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona to celebrate the 60 years of the Common Agricultural Policy and to take stock of the challenges of the CAP reform that will come into force on 1 January 2023.
VeronaFiere in collaboration with the publisher L'Informatore Agrario promoted the "Foglie dell’Innovazione" ["Leaves of Innovation"] initiative at Fieragricola, assigning awards to companies that have distinguished themselves with innovative products, on the market since the beginning of 2021, in the agricultural mechanics, pesticides and fertilisers, zootechnics and renewable energy sectors. Six Gold Leaves, 17 Silver Leaves and 17 distinctions were awarded. Gold leaves include the SRX Hybrid from Antonio Carraro and the Drago Gold sunflower header from Olimac. The award ceremony is scheduled for 2 Wednesday March, 13:00 in Hall 7.
Also in collaboration with Informatore Agrario, the 5th edition of the Dynamic Show will be held in outdoor area A, in front of Hall 4, with daily dynamic tests on soil and canopy management in vineyards and orchards, electrification and automation and conservative and precision agriculture for large crops (events organised with the Tesaf of the University of Padua).
The Verona-based publishing house has also put together an extensive programme of workshops and conferences for the vineyard (Hall 4) and nutrition, sustainable defence and organic sectors (Hall 7).
FederUnacoma is present in Verona with an institutional space (Hall 7 - Stand E10) for the promotion of its activities and assistance to attending member companies. The Federation's internationalisation service is also an active part of the event with B2B meetings organised in collaboration with ICE. Finally, on the afternoon of the opening day, the Federation's press conference is scheduled during which the president and general director will present data on the trend of the agro-mechanical market and the main innovations of the 45th edition of EIMA International, scheduled for next autumn.