FederUnacoma: Alessandro Malavolti confirmed as president
During the assembly of the associated industries, the votes were held to elect the president of the Federation and the presidents and vice-presidents of the five associations that comprise it. Among the priorities specified for the next two years, a greater presence in political workgroups and the further development of trade fair activities. The relaunching of the "made in Italy" guiding theme of the public part, which saw the participation of the MEP Paolo De Castro, of the chief economist of Confindustria Andrea Montanino, of the general director of Ice Roberto Luongo, and of the managing director of GRS Ricerche Enrico Gallorini
The President of FederUnacoma Alessandro Malavolti began his second term, which will last two years as established in the general procedures of Confindustria, unanimously confirmed by the assembly of members held last June 27 in Varignana (BO). Together with him, the presidents and vice-presidents of the trade associations that make up the Federation were also elected. The follwing were elected: for Assomao, Lorenzo Selvatici (Selvatici) president and Alessandro Cazzin (Maschio Gaspardo) vice-president; for Assomase, Marco Mazzaferri (Laverda/Agco Italia) president and Giampaolo Barbieri (Barbieri) vice-president; for Assotrattori, Manlio Martilli (Argo Tractors) president and Roberto Castiello (Antonio Carraro) vice-president; for Comacomp, Pier Giorgio Salvarani (Salvarani) president and Giovanni Montorsi (Arag) vice president; for Comagarden, Renato Cifarelli (Emak) president and Dimitri Fratus (Stiga) vice president. The presidents of the five associations are also vice presidents of the Federation. In his report to the Assembly of over 300 associated industries, Alessandro Malavolti presented the final balance of the past two years - which recorded a consistent development of internationalization activities, as well as technical assistance and trade fair promotion - and outlined the guidelines for his next term, which provide for a greater commitment to politics and institutional relations. “We are living in a historical phase characterized by great political uncertainty and discontinuous addresses that do not help companies in planning and developing industrial strategies - said Malavolti - and the awareness I expressed at the beginning of the mandate must be reaffirmed today with even more conviction: in the historical phases in which the institutions and the party system are uncertain and weakened, associations assume a decisive importance”. What emerged during the Assembly is that the tasks of the Federation include carrying out an information and awareness-raising activity towards the political world at the national and European level, because it is not obvious that there is a political presence among the political forces with sufficient knowledge of agricultural problems and the fundamental role of mechanization. President Malavolti gave a special mention and words of appreciation to the Hon. Paolo De Castro, confirmed for his third term at the European Parliament and attending the FederUnacoma event with his own speech on the prospects of the common agricultural policy. The framework within which the activity of the Federation must develop is that of a relaunch of the “made in Italy” in the manufacturing sector, and this was the guiding theme of the speeches in the public part of the assembly, in addition to that by De Castro, those by the chief economist of Confindustria Andrea Montanino, that by the general director of ICE Agency Roberto Luongo, and that by the managing director of GRS Ricerche e Strategie Enrico Gallorini. In closing, President Malavolti also remarked that the trade fair activities represent an exciting challenge for the Federation. “Exhibitions are a formidable opportunity for knowledge and training for operators, technicians and students - said Malavolti - and they are a powerful representation of our sector, which finds in trade fairs an ideal venue to show itself in all its aspects, its design capabilities, the idea of progress that it knows how to evoke; lastly, exhibitions are a moment of extraordinary intensity from the social point of view, for the experiences, the stimuli and the contacts that they can offer”. “In the near future - concluded Malavolti - trade fairs will probably be the events with the greatest appeal for citizens of every country and every continent, and it is also up to us to know how to envision and build them”.