EIMA Show: technology for agricultural work
The demonstration of machinery and technologies for precision farming to be held in Casalina di Deruta at the end of July is coming up for presentation at Agriumbria. The grand event is organized by FederUnacoma, UmbriaFiere, Coldiretti Umbria, the University of Perugia, the Agriculture Education and Ce.S.A.R. Foundation in Perugia with the sponsorship of the Umbria Region. The new methodologies call for the deployment of satellite, IT and sensor systems as the new frontier of agriculture to enable the timely and scientific use or production components to benefit productivity and the environment
The 2017 edition of the EIMA Show is scheduled for next July 28 and 29 in Casalina di Deruta, near Perugia in the heart of Umbria, for the demonstration of machinery, equipment and systems for precision agriculture put to work with tractors and all other machines and implements equipped with the most advanced satellite, IT and electronic instruments for the timely and scientific management of agricultural operations. The event organized through the partnership of FederUnacoma, UmbriaFiere, Coldiretti Umbria, the University of Perugia, the Agriculture Education and Ce.S.A.R. Foundation and sponsored by the Umbria Region, was presented at a press conference on March 31st in Bastia Umbria associated with the Agriumbria agricultural trade fair. The EIMA Show is targeted on farmers, contractors, technicians and experts in mechanics and electronics and tailored to fit European Union Agriculture 4.0 and Italian government strategy. At the press conference, Fernanda Cecchini, the Umbria Region commissioner for Agriculture, Culture and the Environment, declared, “The panorama of applications and technologies for precision agriculture have evolved rapidly from the 1990s to the present to make available a thick catalogue of technologies with a high level of development and maturity. Applications such as systems for monitoring crops and production, driving systems, the development of sensors, decision making support systems and the like, thanks to the availability of geographic locating, GPS, GLONASS, GSNN, and GIS geographic information, make possible the sustainable use of resources such as seeds, plant treatment products, fertilizer, water, soil and the like thanks to the work force of machines and equipment with improved management as well as ergonomics and safety.” The commissioner went on to say, “The Umbria Region, with EU Measure 124 2007/2013, has already financed numerous precision farming projects and has planned new programs in connection with Measure 16 to facilitate Operative Groups (measure 16.1) and pilot projects under Sub-measure 16.2.” The positive fallout from the July event will promote new farming models based on satellite land data, detailed evaluation of the soil characteristics down to the smallest plots for performing selective and tightly targeted operations with financial and environmental benefits. The Casalina event could also help revive the agricultural machinery market in the region where sales have dropped sharply following the onset of the global financial and economic crisis and the structural Italian agriculture crisis. The number of tractors registered in Umbria fell from 710 units in 2008 to 429 in 2016 for a plunge of 39.6%.
The president of the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, FederUnacoma, Massimo Goldoni, told the press conference, “The number of tractors operating in the region is estimated at 65,000 with 74% of them located in the Perugia province and 26% in the Terni province but the technological level of the inventory is unfortunately insufficient.” He went on to explain, “A great number of these tractors have an age of more than twenty years and the result is that they are not suitable to ensure standard productivity and high quality, features which allowing farming enterprises to stay competitive.” UmbriaFiere President Lazzaro Bogliari, declared, “For us, its an honor to be able to collaborate in an event of such importance as is EIMA and we are convinced that from this first initiative a partnership can arise in future involving players in the supply chain throughout the neighboring area and not only that. Moreover, Agriumbria is a trade fair of reference for the agricultural sector and we are convinced that with this experience important factors will grow for the future of agriculture.” The president of Coldiretti Umbria, Albano Agabiti, spoke of the EIMA Show as “as extraordinary occasion for Umbria and Italy for extending to the maximum an understanding of precision agriculture. The EIMA Show Umbria 2017 is the first edition of a permanent annual appointment which makes our regions and agriculture candidates as a point of reference for the entire national production system.” He went on to say, “Typical production, quality, technology and innovation signal the future of 100% Made in Italy.” Another point of reference for pursuing this project for information and training is the foundation taking part in the EIMA Show partnership. “The Agriculture Education Foundation in Perugia probably manages what is probably the largest farmland production area in the region,” according to foundation vice president Francesco Panella. He said, “The primary duty is self-sustainment but institutionally, the foundation is called on to support and disseminate an understanding of agriculture and for this purpose joins the University of Perugia for training of many students interested in the primary sector and there is also the request for testing and extending the use innovation procedures. And for this, giving support, not only logistical, to the EIMA Show, is in line with our duty and even more our appearance on the great national stage as participants in agricultural production processes. The Agriculture Education Foundation is certain to be able to provide competent support and for this, is sure of availability more than satisfactory for the event and is equally sure to be able to handle the requirements of everyone, whether exhibitors or visitors who want to take part,” Panella added. Aside from the applications in agricultural settings like those in Umbria, the EIMA Show is an occasion for the promotion of precision technologies also for the general public and business people from abroad, from countries with agricultural production and forestry work with features similar to that carried out in the territory of Umbria. This was a point explained at the press conference and presented for foreign delegations organized in collaboration with ICE, the Italian Trade Agency, arriving from Argentina, Canada, South Korea, Mexico, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden and Norway. These delegation will be given the opportunity to meet representatives of the companies participating in the demonstrations on the 27th and at times on the following day to ensure a pause in the initiative and add an international scope.