Efficient and fast storage system from Annovi Aldo
New from Annovi Aldo for Fieragricola is a high yield system for the storage of grain devised by the company in Corlo di Formigine for the purpose of guaranteeing great speed at 2.2 tons per hour in the transfer of the product and cutting the cost of the operation. The owners of the enterprise, Luigi and Paolo Annovi, reported that, “Our technology calls for the use of two machines and a tunnel. The first, the bundler, is equipped with an auger located at the bottom of the hopper which transfers the grain to the inside of the tunnel. The filling pressure is determined in relation to the braking applied to the wheel.” The second machine, they explained, is made up of two opposing augers and a lift for removing the product from loaded trailers while a motorized rotor wraps the section of tunnel already emptied and holds it in tension to facilitate unloading. The owners said, “During the loading operation, an airtight compartment is created inside the silagebag for optimum conditions in the structure to ensure excellent conservation of the grain.” Moreover, thanks to the construction of the silagebag – 60 meters long with a diameter of 2.5 meters, a capacity of 2.3 tons and made of three layers of plastic materials with great mechanical resistance to protect the product from atmospheric agents – it can be used to store the product on any type of surface, even in an open field. The silagebags are made of advanced materials from extrusion Dow Polisur (235/250 microns), in three layers with UV protection, white on the outside to reflect sunlight and black inside to filter out light. They are available in lengths of 60 and 75 meters, have a 3.3 ton capacity and can be cut and closed at any point for getting the size required by the operator from time to time.