Agrosalon 2016, a focus on the Russian market
Numerious new developments are coming up in Agrosalon 2016, the most important event in this sector held in the Russian Federation. Arriving in early October, the salon is a platform for forging trade relations with markets in East Europe. Italy will send a strong delegation with 30 manufacturing industries taking part
Russia, with a population of more than 146 million and agricultural lands accounting for 9% of those around the world, is undoubtedly one of the most important farm production systems in a setting in which agricultural mechanization plays a decisive role and displays ample room for development. The biennial Agrosalon trade fair dedicated to agricultural machinery and equipment is scheduled this year for October 4 to 7, again in the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center in Moscow. The event is sponsored by the Russian association of manufacturers Rosagromash in collaboration with their German counterpart, VDMA. The 2014 edition was held on an exhibition area of 74.000 m², drew companies from 29 countries and reported the arrival of more than 30,500 visitors. The Russian government is continuing to invest in the primary sector with the aim of extending the autonomy of the agro-food sector - already achieved for cereals, oil, sugar and potatoes - and recently allocated 3.9 million rubles for the development of agriculture in the federation, especially targeted on vegetable and fruit production. Russia is thus confirmed as an important interlocutor for the Italian manufacturers of agricultural machinery and equipment to be represented in the third consecutive Agrosalon in a collective organized by the Italian Trade Agency ICE in cooperation with FederUnacoma, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation. These companies will be hosted on an area of 300 m² with a service area allocated to exhibitors and visitors. This area will bring together fourteen manufacturers, Ama, Annovi Reverberi, Arag, Comet, F.lli Cressoni, Idromeccanica Bertolini, Imovilli Pompe, Polmac, Roc, Salvarani, Sitrex, Tecnir, Tecomec and Udor. Taking part outside the collective are thirteen Italian companies, Agri Parts, Bondioli & Pavesi, Capello, Dieci, Mecmar, Mascar, Matermacc, Merlo, Rima Group, as well as the CNH Group, Kverneland, Same and Trelleborg covering an ample range of products and components Made in Italy for agricultural operations. The Moscow event will also mark the completion of the Road Show presentation of EIMA International 2016, the great FederUnacoma sponsered agricultural machinery review set for November 9 to 13 in the BolognaFiere center. A press conference will be staged at Agrosalon for updating members of the media and Russian business people on the new features and characteristics of the upcoming Bologna exposition.