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A new crackdown on trade between the EU and the Russian Federation. The additional measures provided for in EU Council Regulation 2023/427 specifically concern "dual use" products, namely products that can be used for both civilian and military purposes. Restrictions also apply to motor vehicles
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EU measures launched following Russia's aggression against Ukraine do not only concern the direct export of products, including machinery, but also the shipment to countries that do not adhere to sanctions and can therefore triangulate goods towards the Russian Federation. The insertion of clauses in contracts to ensure that goods are not subject to restrictions is of particular importance
Numerious new developments are coming up in Agrosalon 2016, the most important event in this sector held in the Russian Federation. Arriving in early October, the salon is a platform for forging trade relations with markets in East Europe. Italy will send a strong delegation with 30 manufacturing industries taking part
Recovery over the past three years is being followed by a decline in tractor sales in the Russian Federation where, however, units moved in 2013 came close to 40,000. The Russian machinery inventory is obsolete and not up to the requirements of modern and competitive farming
Italian collectives in the autumn, organized by the ICE Agency in collaboration with FederUnacoma, for promoting Italian agricultural mechanization at trade fairs in the sector in Russia, China and South Korea
The economy of the Russian Federation started, from the beginning of the new millennium, a stage of growth mainly based on the export of energy raw materials. Nevertheless, the production structure of the country has to develop other sector, such as agriculture, that suffers for a delay in technological equipment and machinery's overall quality. The plan for the agricultural development approved by the Government in July 2012, includes a minor project specifically devoted to the update of machinery