Zephir, the sprayer which does not disperse the product
Ricosma is coming to Fieragricola with the manufacturer's new Zephir sprayer with recovery screens designed to meet the needs of farmers requiring a machine with a low impact on the environment, high performance plant treatment and the minimum dispersion of the product. The Zephir makes it possible to work two complete rows with widths of 2 to 3 meters per pass and regulate the distance between each casing from 0 to 100 cm as selected by the operator on the basis of the rows treated. The recovery system involves cohesion via thin plastic strips and subsequent interception, filtering and recover in the main tank. A liter meter provides real time readings of the quantity of the product recovered and the level of the product remaining in the tank. The Vicenza manufacturer's sprayer is equipped with two diaghram pumps with capacities of 150 lt/min, one for spraying and one for the recovery of the product by suction. The tank capacity is 1000 or 2000 liters on which are mounted two mixers to ensure the uniformity of the product at all times. The Zephir also features excellent stability even on rough groud and slopes of up to 10-12% thanks to the three-point hitch to the tractor which acts as a counterweight.