Umbria 2018, the great digital agricultural show
The 2018 edition of the EIMA Show demonstrations of machinery and technologies for 4.0 agriculture was presented in Bastia Umbria in the setting of Agriumbria. IT and electronic products and avant-garde network systems open on to top-grade scientific management of farming enterprises and crop operations certain to become widespread in Italy as well. Thanks to the partnership of Umbria Fiere, the University of Perugia, the Foundation for Agrarian Education, Coldiretti Umbria, CESAR and FederUnacoma the three days of trial demonstrations are organized for next July 13 to 15 on the Foundation farm in Casalina di Deruta to become the official event for the dissemination of information and promoting the replacement of obsolete machinery with new generation inventories
Italian agriculture is getting ready for the experience of a digital revolution. Satellite mapping of the land, onboard computers for the management of work parameters, devices for monitoring weather and meteorology, sensors for the control of crop operations and combining data analyses via Internato are the technologies now perfected to enable total IT scientific management of farming.
According to data compiled by the Milan Polytechnical Smart AgriFood School of Management there are now available on the Italian market are more than 220 mature IT products for 4.0 agriculture developed by 70 specialized manufacturers with sales of € 100 million. This number is certain to grow substantially in the years to come due to the fact that at present only 1% of the nation’s farmland is equipped with these systems and that IT agriculture is considered essential for maintaining a competitive pace in the primary sector.
EIMA Show 2018 is coming up at a great event for the demonstration of machinery and systems for 4.0 agriculture to be held next July 13 to 15 on the Foundation for Agrian Education Casalina di Deruta farm in the Perugia Province for live presentations for large numbers of farmers, mechanization technicians and business people for a first-hand experience with digital technologies for agriculture.
Agriumbria, the University of Perugia, the Foundation for Agrarian Education, Coldiretti Umbria, CESAR and FederUnacoma, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Federation, are organizing the three days of the show on the same format used for the foundation farm in 2017 to feature field exhibitions of tractors, combine harvesters and machinery for plant treatment as well as the most advanced digital equipment devices for various crop operations.
UmbriaFiere President Lazzaro Bogliari said at the Bastia Umbria press conference held on April 6, “We are very satisfied with the contents of the event and will promote this second edition of the EIMA Show. For us these three days are a remarkable leap in quality, the dynamic evolution of Agriumbria capable of putting on show machinery and equipment directly in field trials.
Bogliari went on to affirm, “The event is planned for farmers who will have the unique and rare possibility to deal with their requirements directly with those who design and manufacture machines. A business to business event involving Umbria and the agricultural economy leading the way to technology in the sector toward what is called precision farming.” Mauro Brunetti, the technical director of the Foundation for Agrarian Education in Perugia which hosts the event pointed out that the foundation is ideal quarters for the demonstrations at this level. In fact, the purpose of the foundation is to promote occasions for meetings and providing information on what are the main innovations in the agricultural sector and precision farming is not the new scenario already used today on farms and business people in the primary sector. Coldiretti Umbria President Albano Agabiti told the press conference that the digital system adopted is an obligatory course for Italian and all European agriculture in that this allows economic management and is eco-compatible for agricultural work also for determining the reduction of plant protection products and high standards of quality for all types of product, from commodities and on to specialized crops with high value added.
FederUnacoma President Alessandro Malavolti declared, “The 4.0 phenomenon can transform our way of production in a short span of time but requires work at the grassroots which might direct farmers predisposed for efficient systems to use the enormous amount of information digital technologies are able to provide.”
Malavolti went on to say, “The manufacturers federation considers the Casalina days a very real 4.0 laboratory and aims for the systimatic promotion of new technologies dedicated to the issue, also for the great occasion of EIMA International scheduled for next November 7 to 11 in Bologna with a full agenda of conferences and a specific section named EIMA Digital. However, the work on promoting digital agriculture also requires support in political quarters for achieving IT and telematic infrastructure by setting up training programs for the personnel involved”. Discussing the transfer of digital and precision technologies to agricultural operations and livestock raising, Umbria Region Agriculture Commissioner Fernanda Cecchini recalled that the local administration - rapresented at the press conference by president Catiuscia Marini - has already begun a specific project linked to Rural Development Policy Measure 16.1 and that precision agriculture is considered functional resulting from objectives established by the region for the primary sector.
The digital systems can actually a training component for the agricultural machinery market boosting the substitution of outdated machinery with new generation machinery. After the strong growth of in registrations in 2017, due partially to the arrival of Mother Regulation with new European Union norms applied last January which drove manufacturers to speed up sales and registration of vehicles conforming to the outdated norms. Thus, the trend for the first quarter of 2018 are decreasing.