Sixty years Campagnola, in the name of innovation
For the productive fabric located in the Bologna area, where it feeds dynamic linked industries, this company is a real point of reference. Working on product and process innovation, it has become one of the leading market players, and – with a presence in 42 countries – a true global competitor. This is Campagnola, a Bologna-based company (with headquarters in Zola Predosa) specialized in pneumatic and electric systems for pruning and harvesting, which this year celebrates 60 years since its foundation. In fact, the company began to take its first steps in 1958, when Vittorio Pio Ferretti, who recently passed away, gave shape to his first projects within the walls of a small 20 square meters workshop. Three years later, on the wave of the economic boom, that small space was abandoned for a larger work area. Of course, those 200 square meters are still a cramped space when compared to the current 8,000 (on two sheds) but are witness to a strong growth process. The same goes for the design of the Super Star, an innovative pneumatic shredder made of technopolymer by Ferretti. But for the real leap in quality, the company had to wait until the beginning of the 80s, when the change in the company name and the subsequent transfer to the current headquarters of Zola Predosa laid the foundation for the consolidation of production activities. “The key to our success is research, and thanks to an experienced and competent technical staff – explains Laura Ferretti, who took over the company guide from her father Vittorio Pio – we are able to provide the market with the most advanced products and the technical-commercial solutions that can meet all demands. This is due to a particular attention to the testing of our products which, before being marketed, must pass rigorous tests of electromagnetic compatibility, noise, hand-arm and machine-body vibrations”.