Seminars, workshops and information points: the new EIMA Desk
This year, within the international exhibition of agricultural mechanization, will be placed an area dedicated to "training and safety", providing support and consulting services for operators, as well as demonstration activities and events on topical issues such as the Inail notices, vehicle inspections, driving licenses, work opportunities for young people and research and bioenergy supply chains
In recent editions of EIMA International – the large exhibition of agricultural mechanization held in Bologna from November 9 to 13 – an increasing importance was assumed by outreach and guidance activities, i.e. those services offering updates on incentives, financial instruments, purchase procedures and management of machinery. In the 2016 edition of the Bologna event, this activity will be considerably strengthened by the establishment of “EIMA Desk – Training & Safety”, a dedicated Hall (33ter) created by the collaboration between FederUnacoma (Italian Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers) and Unacma (National Union of Agricultural Machinery Dealers). Within EIMA Desk will be placed, among other initiatives, the information point dedicated to public incentives and managed by INAIL – the Istitute is officially present with its own stand – for the purchase of new generation machines with high security requirements. Agricultural operators who wish to take advantage of the incentives may find all the required forms and bureaucratic instructions at the information point. A highly topical subject of the 2016 edition of EIMA International will be the inspections of agricultural machinery, carried out through a mechanical workshop inside the Desk area (Officina Revisioni – Live), where the public may follow explanations provided by a specialized staff on safety inspections and key factors for technical checks. The description of basic criteria for the inspection procedures will be facilitated by the placement of two tractors of the same model (“La Piccola”, a model produced by Fiat in the 1970s), arranged next to each other, the first of which without the requirements necessary for the inspection and the other one properly reset for the overcoming of the relevant checks. The Desk area will be used for the training sessions of the Mech@griJOBS promoted by Unacma and aimed at publicizing the knowledge of agricultural mechanics to young people and the professional profiles and job opportunities now offered by the agro-mechanical industry. With the current driving rules applicable to agricultural machinery, the theme of the so-called “Patentino” (tractor driver’s licence) has become topical. The contribution of EIMA consisted in organizing courses dedicated to experienced drivers for obtaining a driving license for tractors. Therefore, in the Desk area will be also provided all information for the obtaining of a driving licence for beginners, as required by law. The Desk will include a rich programme of conferences and seminars attended by several operators of the agro-mechanical sector: the press conference of CLIMMAR, the Association representing agricultural machinery dealers at European level held in the afternoon of Wednesday November 9, the update conference on the Unacma ROC Project scheduled on Saturday 12, the conference AEF/FederUnacoma/Unacma “Knowledge for use: the importance of ISOBUS in the current agricultural mechanization” dedicated to the new frontiers in electronics and applied IT, the conference promoted by ESSECI on theme “Supply chain safety in agriculture: Inail training activities” scheduled in the morning of Saturday 12, the A.N.C.O.R.S. meeting on theme “Safety in agriculture: from the risk assessment to compulsory education” and the meeting on the “good school” entitled “Challenges and opportunities of the alternation between school and work”. The conference on subcontracting, promoted by CAI, Unima and Confai will take place in the afternoon of Saturday 12, while the Unacma National Assembly on Friday 11 afternoon. In both conferences will participate members of several institutions. Other important events will be the meeting on bioenergy, promoted by ITABIA, the Italian Biomass Association as well as the conference dedicated to the use of biomass sponsored by the University of Tuscia and held in the afternoon of Wednesday 9.