Safety and technology, 40 million for innovative machines
For investments in innovative technologies and safety, 2020 is off to a good start for farms. The Budget Law approved last December (Italian Law no. 160/2019) promoted various interventions in support of the primary sector, such as grants for the adoption of high tech solutions, the fund for innovation in the agri-food production chains, and the news in the field of tax credits. In most cases, these are measures that are not yet fully operational, as they are pending the issuance of specific decrees by the competent ministries. Meanwhile, the INAIL call for proposals for investment in health and safety in the workplace is now nearing completion. Starting with a total budget of 251 million euros, the call for proposals offers specific measures for SMEs and micro-farms in the agricultural sector. The total financial allocation for the primary sector amounts to 40 million euros: 7 million are reserved for young farmers (axis 5.2), while 33 million (axis 5.1) are intended for all farms. The incentives are aimed at financing the purchase of innovative machines that reduce polluting emissions and improve performance and sustainability, reducing the noise level or the risk of accidents.
In the case of axis 5.1, explains the institute, capital contributions cover 40% of the eligible expenses, and 50% for axis 5.2 allocated to young farmers. “The projects to be financed - reads the INAIL public notice - must be such as to entail a contribution of between one thousand and 60 thousand euros”. The methods and timelines for submitting applications will be made known on the Institute’s website (www.inail.it) by January 31.