Robotics stars at World FIRA 2023
The 7th edition of World FIRA, the international event on agricultural robots and automation systems for agriculture, held in Toulouse from 7 to 9 February, closed with a resounding success. Organised by Gofar (Global organisation for agricultural robotics), 7 February was the event’s first day, focused on an in-depth analysis of the main themes affecting the robotics sector, while the last was dedicated to field trials.
Over 2,000 specialised entrepreneurs from 75 countries crowded the event’s spaces and familiarised themselves with the latest generation technologies proposed by more than 50 high-tech companies, five of which Italian (Cobo SpA, Field Robotics, Nabu, Tecomec Srl, X-Farm Technologies). Also present at the event, with its own stand and a collective area, was FederUnacoma, which in this specific field can boast an enhanced collaboration with Gofar.
During the three days in Toulouse the spotlight was on agricultural robots - 30 machines were present on the stands of World FIRA, most of them powered by electric propulsion systems - that visitors were able to see in action in the event's demo area.
Covering no less than 5,000 square metres, two thousand of which indoors, the area was divided into seven different operating environments.
From narrow-row cultivations to winter cereals, through wide-row cultivations and vineyards and orchards, each of them was organised in such a way as to put the robots' capabilities to the test with the main agricultural operations.
Among the stands at World FIRA, there was also ample space for the solutions proposed by equipment manufacturers (especially those intended to equip robotic systems) and companies specialising in video cameras and software systems.