Quality work with the Mergento F 4010 Aplin rake
New developments are coming to the haymaking segment. In this segment, the Austrian manufacturer Pöttinger - headquartered in Grieskirchen, not far from the German border - is offering a machine designed for working in the mountains, the Mergento F 4010 Aplin frontal belt rake. Lightweight (weighing only 575 kilos) and with a working width of 3.08 metres, Pöttinger's latest machine stands out for its ability to perform high-quality work thanks to its guided pick-up technology. The device - explains the manufacturer in a technical note - allows the vehicle to gently pick up the forage and convey it very quickly towards the transversal conveyor belt, while the pick-up tines, which exploit a cam-driven system and enter the swath perpendicularly just before the belt, eliminate stones and residues (which are not collected and remain on the ground) and reduce crumbling losses due to product dragging.
To enable the Mergento F 4010 Aplin to adhere to the ground in the best possible way, Pöttinger engineers designed the machine's three skids to "scan" the ground and guide the rake over unevenness in the field. The belt unit equipped with a movable central suspension and the rocker arm that oscillates +/- 8 degrees help to further improve the machine's stability on any surface and at any slope angle, even the most pronounced. Another plus of the Mergento F 4010 Aplin rake is its ergonomics: the operator can handle all forage work directly from the driver's seat of the tractor, where he can also choose the side on which to deposit the swath.