Peruzzo-ABF Color, a partnership for painting
A new, latest generation, production plant, equipped with an automated sandblasting cycle. Two local companies inaugurated it in Curtarolo (Padua): Peruzzo, specialized in the production of machines for agriculture and park care and maintenance, and ABF Color, operating in the field of third party painting. The inauguration was also attended by the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, who cut the ribbon and emphasized the strategic role of corporate partnerships and Veneto’s contribution to the enhancement of Made in Italy products. “The new facility - explains Peruzzo with a note - comes from a close collaboration between the two companies. Our intention is that it become a centre of excellence for high-profile work, a point of reference not only for us, but also for the other Paduan businesses”. Present in the economic fabric of Padua since 2013, ABF Color works with industrial powder coating, sandblasting and shot blasting, with particular attention to new technologies and, above all, to large metal structures (heavy and light). The tunnel system of the production plant can work with large components (up to 11 metres in length, 3 in height and 1.6 in width) and with weights in excess of 5 tonnes. As regards the partnership with Peruzzo, the new Curtarolo facility will handle the painting of machines in the “green-pro/bio-mass” range, thus ensuring an even higher quality product.