Lanciano, a trade fair for center-southern Italy
The Independent Consortium Ente Fiera di Lanciano hosts from 11 to 13 April 2014 the National Agriculture Fair, a showcase of products and services for the primary sector, arrived this year at its 53th edition. There are 250 companies participating in the event, considered as the annual appointment of the sector, in center-southern Italy, for an update on the most recent technological systems to the service of a competitive agriculture of quality. The exposition of the fair sees gathered in hall 1 the equipment for land cultivation and gardening and in number 2 the machines for oilve and wine production. In hall 3 are hosted alternative energy products and livestock activity, as well as articles for nursery-gardens and furniture for gardens. The exhibition centre provides, finally, a large outdoor area with a wide range of means for the various processes and a space reserved for commercial vehicles. To the event participate with institutional areas several authorities, including the main trade associations (Cia, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Copagri and FederUnacoma), the Abruzzo Region, the local health authority and Inail.
The agricultural profile of the Abruzzo Region, where the fair takes place, sees more than 66,000 active companies, led to 35% by women, for 437,000 hectares of UAA (Utilized Agricultural Area) with 41% used for arable crops (wheat, barley, corn, potato, alfalfa and vegetables), and 18% for specialized crops (vines, olives, citrus fruits and fruit in general) and 41% for permanent grassland. For Franco Ferrante, president of Lancianofiera, “the event has had a satisfactory number of accessions, despite the difficult period. The operators know that this is a special showcase, an ideal opportunity to promote and market products and technologies”. “I think this aspect is particularly significant – added Ferrante – because it is a concrete evidence of how this fair is deeply rooted on the local territory and not only here”.