Enovitis, appointment in Puglia
The Italian wine sector continues to represent an important segment of our economy. Machinery and equipment for vineyard activities are the main characters of Enovitis in Campo, an event scheduled in the province of Bari on June 17 and 18. Room for the sectors linked to olive cultivation, energy from biomass and precision agriculture. Competitions, conferences and workshops are also included in the event, arrived at its tenth edition
According to the data recently published by Coldiretti, the requests for authorization for new vineyards in our country have reached this year the amount of 12,000 – for a total area of 67,000 ha, compared with 6,400 ha available – showing that the Italian wine sector is an increasingly interesting and growing market. For an update on the most recent technologies available for the production operations of this sector will be held in Corato in the province of Bari, on June 17 and 18, Enovitis in Campo, the event promoted by Unione Italiana Vini and Fieragricola with dynamic tests of means and equipment specialized for vineyards. Arrived at its tenth edition, the event will take place in the Alta Murgia Rural Park, at the foot of Castel del Monte, in northern Puglia. The Liantonio family, who founded in 1948 the farm of Torrevento, where the event is hosted, wanted to recover through its business – carried out on an area of 250 ha – the oldest local traditions, selecting native grapes such as Nero di Troia and Malvasia Nera and creating wines characterised by high quality standards. Corato will host over 120 exhibitors, who will put on display machinery for vineyard installation, plant protection and nutrition, soil and canopy management as well as irrigation, management and recovery of biomass, control and detection systems for precision viticulture. Tractors for vineyards and orchards will be the great protagonists of the dynamic tests. Tractors registered on a yearly basis correspond to about 30% compared to the total number of tractors put in circulation in Italy, i.e. 5,966 units in 2015 and 1,330 in the first three months of 2016. During Enovitis in Campo 2016 will also be sponsored the Innovation Challenge competition, dedicated to the most relevant technological innovations of the wine sector, with the valorisation of the environmental, ethic, social and economic sustainability. The main awards, called “Technological Innovation Award” went to Caffini for the “Attila” steam weeding machine – a non-chemical inter-row weeding system for vineyards and orchards, using high-pressure steam – and to Pellenc Italia for the Vinion and Prunion pruning shears which, through electronic control, allow an easy, fast and safe work. The competition also included seven “New Technologies” prizes awarded to means and equipment characterised by “significant innovations for the improvement of vine cultivation processes”: Ager (MPA Solutions for the Enogis management platform); Agricolmeccanica (“Friuli Sprayers” Compact T/4 atomizer); Cima (ROB3 wrap around sprayhead); Metallurgica Irpina (Agricord stranded wire); Nobili (Rotore Pro attached to BV PRO and TRP PRO shredders); Same Deutz-Fahr Italia (the clever ActiveDrive suspension for the Frutteto series) and Sysman Progetti & Servizi Srl (the Bluleaf® DSS – Decision Support System, a programme of support to management decisions). The award ceremony is scheduled on Friday, June 17 at 7 p.m. Enovitis in Campo will also host the Vota il trattore competition – sponsored by the Italian wine association UIV in collaboration with Unacma; Macgest, the portal dedicated to agricultural mechanization and Enovitis in Campo Junior, the initiative dedicated to children’s entertainment.