EIMA Show, the big event of agriculture 4.0
From July 13th to 15th appointment in Casalina di Deruta with the field tests for EIMA Show. Three dedicated areas: one for haymaking, one for tillage, the third for combine harvesters. Besides the focus on technologies for agriculture 4.0 and precision farming - increasingly digital - the thematic insights, as well as the historical tractors will be highlighted, and there will also be a musical parenthesis with a folk group
There is no point in changing a winning team. Therefore, after the 2017 good start, the field tests of EIMA Show return to the Casalina farm, in Casalina di Deruta (Perugia), from July 13 to 15. So, we start over from last year’s numbers - 15 thousand spectators, 90 machines between combine harvesters and tractors, more than 200 machinery representing 50 manufacturers - with a richer program of events and initiatives. The focus of the Casalina three days, organized by FederUnacoma together with Coldiretti, UmbriaFiere, Foundation for Agriculture Education in Perugia, University of Perugia and Ce.SAR is always agriculture 4.0 with the most advanced technologies for “precision farming”. But in this edition of the exhibition, there will be more space for in-depth meetings and there will be an interlude dedicated to the show with a folk music concert and one dedicated to the history of agricultural mechanization with a static exhibition of historic tractors by the Assisi Historical Automotoclub. Another blast from the past is expected with the dray horses exhibition, which remains the symbol of that partnership between men and animals that has so much contributed over the centuries to the progress and development of the primary sector. Collective tests, three dedicated areas. The heart of the event are the field tests that will take place in three separate areas. One for haymaking (alfalfa), the second for tillage, with sowing, fertilization, crop protection, the third - finally - for combine harvesters. There is also a lot of emphasis on the specific machinery, the technologies designed for the needs of agriculture 4.0, and the new generation operating supports. Among these, drones will also play a leading role. They already played a key role in the 2017 edition, but they will now guide the spectators of EIMA Show to discover new applications in the agricultural field, with the mapping of land and crops, with the optimization of processing and the provision of treatments on demand. An increasingly digital future for the Italian agriculture. In short, from July 13th to 15th, Casalina di Deruta will be the capital of agricultural innovation. After all, the primary sector of our country is on the eve of a real “digital revolution”. Satellite systems for the mapping of the territory, onboard computers for the management of work parameters, climate, and meteorological monitoring devices, sensors for crop control operations, combination and analysis of data via the Internet are mature technologies that allow a totally computerized and scientific management activity. “The phenomenon of agriculture 4.0 - said FederUnacoma’s president, Alessandro Malavolti, presenting the exhibition - can transform the way we produce over a short period of time, but needs a work of widespread dissemination, to guide the farmers in setting up effective systems and using the enormous amount of information that digital technologies can provide ». And this is precisely the contribution that Eima Show 2018 intends to give.