EIMA, 'global' mechanisation
The 45th edition of the world exhibition of mechanics for agriculture, landscaping and related components opens in Bologna. Over 1,500 industries will be present, representing 40 countries, and about 300 thousand visitors are expected from every continent. New products, advanced technologies, futuristic solutions to face the great challenges of modern agriculture
The 45th edition of EIMA International starts with the credentials of a great event. The world exhibition of agricultural machinery - organised by FederUnacoma and taking place from 9 to 13 November at the Bologna exhibition centre - will be presented to the public with more than 1,500 manufacturers, 480 of whom are foreign, occupying all the 20 exhibition halls and large open-air areas, as well as all the service facilities, offices and conference rooms, for a total of 250 thousand square metres. The result is particularly encouraging as the exhibition - which takes place every two years - is taking place this year just one year after the previous one, which was supposed to be held in November 2020 but was postponed by a year due to the health emergency and was held in October 2021. Committing exhibiting companies for two consecutive years was not to be taken for granted - say the organisers of the exhibition - and yet the event registers a 'sold-out' confirming how this exhibition represents an unmissable event in the international trade exhibition landscape. The trip to Bologna offers economic operators, agricultural entrepreneurs, agricultural mechanics, and green maintenance technicians, as well as the vast public of students, enthusiasts and hobbyists, the opportunity to get to know all the latest products, and to compare models made by the world's most prestigious and specialised manufacturers. The boundless choice of technologies - exhibited within the 14 product sectors and the five themed Shows of "Componenti", "Digital", "Energy", "Green" and "Idrotech" - makes it possible to find solutions for every type of work and for every model of farm, a fact that has consolidated the Bologna exhibition as the sector event with the highest level of internationality. In addition to the presence of economic operators from 160 countries, official delegations from 80 countries are present at EIMA, promoted in collaboration with the ICE Agency. Every manufacturer is present at the exhibition with new products, previews and cutting-edge technological solutions, such as those awarded as part of the Technical Innovation Contest, in which the international jury of experts selects and rewards those unprecedented solutions that ensure ever greater functionality in agricultural work and that manage to reconcile production needs with the need for environmental sustainability and responsible use of natural resources. Visitors to EIMA 2022 will find the award-winning technical innovations on display inside the Quadriportico at the centre of the exhibition centre, which also symbolically represents the heart of the show, as it also hosts the EIMA Web TV studio and the so-called Quadriportico Hall with its specific programme of conventions on technical as well as political and economic topics. In all, over the five days of the exhibition, there will be at the moment 100 events, including conferences, workshops and seminars on topics related to innovation in the sector, national and EU agricultural policies, environmental emergencies such as drought and desertification in vast regions of the planet or the greenhouse effect, which calls for a reconversion towards energy sources of agricultural origin. The development of electronics and all forms of automation and robotics applied to agriculture, including artificial intelligence systems, is also in the spotlight. Information materials in six languages, information desks for information on financing and insurance tools for the agro-mechanical sector, interpreting and contractual services for foreign economic operators and a programme of "off-show" events in the city of Bologna are part of the EIMA organisational style, but also signs of the welcome that the Bologna exhibition reserves for all the "agro-mechanics people".