EDP, the meetings of the "energy" section
The program of events to be held in the virtual platform of digital EIMA includes three important meetings dedicated to research and experimentation activities in circulare economy and renewable energy. Of particular importance is the event dedicated to presenting the European Project Enabling results focused on enhancing "bioproducts"
The Covid-19 emergency makes it even more straightforward how the economy will have to move towards new paradigms to face a crisis that has affected markets on a global scale. To some extent, the health crisis could be an opportunity for sustainable development, accelerating Europe's path towards the Green Deal. In this context, ITABIA presents three highly topical webinars within the EDP to discuss - from different angles - the topic of biomass, a precious renewable resource for a variety of uses in the vast sector of the circular bioeconomy.
The ITABIA initiatives deal with the biobased industry, sustainable agriculture, bioenergy without ever neglecting the central role of modern agricultural and forestry mechanization for biomass handling and conditioning. Below is a summary of the events organized by ITABIA - Italian Biomass Association in close collaboration with FederUnacoma, Chimica Verde Bionet, and ENEA, with the participation of numerous stakeholders selected among companies, administrations, research institutions, and policymakers.
Wednesday, November 11 (15.00 - 17.00)
Webinar 1 - Training course "Use of biodegradable materials in agriculture: state of the art and perspectives"
A technical training webinar on issues related to the bioeconomy and its applications in agriculture through innovative and low environmental impact technical means. On this occasion, a particular emphasis is given to biodegradable mulches, providing technical information on their characteristics and the significant ecological and economic benefits associated with their use.
In addition to the results resulting from years of research and experimentation in the field, there will be space for direct evidence from farms employing biodegradable materials with excellent results.
This initiative, developed by the Bionet Green Chemistry Association, in collaboration with ITABIA, is aimed in particular at technicians, regional public officials, agricultural organizations, and even journalists of the specialized press. Since the circulation of virtuous models facilitates the dissemination of innovations in agriculture, the possibility of the orders of journalists and agronomists providing training credits is being verified.
Thursday, November 12 (15.00 - 17.00)
Webinar 2 – "Guideline for using biomass energy plants"
To support the sustainable growth of biomass powered energy plants, it is crucial to have tools to ensure effective standards and methodologies for proper implementation and management. To this end, ENEA has developed a specific guideline that describes the technical and administrative aspects to obtain authorizations for the construction and management of biomass energy plants, as well as the criteria for the choice of processes and conversion technologies. The Guideline, produced as part of the ES-PA project (Energy and Sustainability for Public Administration) - funded by the National Operational Program Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020 - aims to strengthen the technical skills of policymakers and local government officials, as well as transfer to companies know-how and advanced innovations to ensure a competitive advantage in the market. In this perspective, the webinar is mainly addressed to agronomists and foresters, engineers, and surveyors. Participants may be recognized training credits to an extent determined by their respective Orders.
Friday, November 13 (10.00 - 13.00)
Webinar 3 – “Agriculture and biobased industry: The ENABLING Project" Final Conference
The ENABLING Project "Enhance New Approaches in Biobased Local Innovation Networks for Growth", developed within the H2020 program (CSA, Coordination Support Action), has developed a series of tools to boost the promising bioproducts market by facilitating contact between the agricultural sector (biomass producer) and the industrial sector (transformer). The Project, coordinated by FederUnacoma and Itabia, was attended by 16 Partners representing 13 countries (Italy, Belgium, Norway, Ireland, Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Holland, Greece, Czech Republic, Israel, France, Germany). The final Conference of the Project - organized as part of EIMA Digital Preview - will be an opportunity to disseminate the many activities carried out to facilitate the development of the bioeconomy by focusing on the maximum exploitation of raw materials of organic origin - residual or specially grown - to be allocated to different sectors with great potential for development such as green chemistry, textiles, automotive, nutraceuticals, green building, etc.. ENABLING's wish, or "legacy," is that the many "Best practices" of circular bioeconomy - collected all over Europe - can be a guiding tool, both for the development of new green enterprises and for policymakers towards sustainable development strategies.