New Holland: a new anti-stall system
New Holland wins the bronze medal for innovation at Sima 2019. The award was awarded for the reversal system of the direction of rotation of the Dynamic Feed Roll (DFR) mounted on the CR combine-harvesters. This innovation allows the operator to remove the stalls of the dynamic feed roller without leaving the cab, saving time and taking full advantage of the productivity of the combine. This new feature is added to the reversal system of the direction of rotation of the head of the elevator channel and to the system of protection against overloads of the concave, to ensure even greater protection from excessive product loads.
The benefits that the system of reversal of the direction of rotation of the DFR offers to the operators consist both in the comfort of removing the stalls without leaving the cab, and, more important, in drastically reducing the time needed to complete the operation, that goes down from two hours to only ten minutes.
The new Dynamic Feed Roll (DFR) system, consisting of a hydraulic cylinder, a ratchet system and a toothed wheel on the DFR roller shaft, unlocks the DFR by swinging the drum. When a stall occurs and the drum speed falls below 100 rpm, the threshing and the power-supply functions of the combine are automatically deactivated. The operator only needs to stop the combine harvester and activate the inversion procedure on the IntelliView monitor.
The elevator channel - explains New Holland in a technical note - reverses itself to empty its chain along its entire length, while the hydraulic cylinder and the ratchet system reverse the drum of the DFR. The inversion procedure is complete when the material has been removed and the hydraulic circuit does not meet resistance. The elevator channel is inverted again to empty the relative chain along its entire length. Once this procedure is completed, the operator can reinsert the rotors and the elevator channel to resume harvesting.