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Agri-culture, Capraia becomes the first organic district on a Mediterranean island

Agrilevante was the setting for presentation of this initiative, which is part of the broader "Capraia Smart Island" circular economy project, aimed at enhancing the island's territory with concrete actions to protect agro-ecosystems, safeguard the landscape, and reduce the environmental impact of human activities

The Itabia Focus on agribusiness and the circular economy

The circular bio-economy and agro-energy have a central role to play in the primary sector. Technological innovation, enhancement of land resources, recovery of by-products and renewable sources can mitigate climate change. These are the topics at the centre of the seminars and technical visits promoted by Itabia at Agrilevante, with a special focus on the all-round enhancement of biomass resources

Stories of heroic agriculture in the minor islands

They are splendid natural paradises, destinations for international tourism, but also places where cultivating the land is extremely difficult, first and foremost due to isolation. But it is precisely from the 55 minor Italian islands that an additional stimulus arrives for agricultural machinery manufacturers to design equipment capable of operating even in hostile conditions

The active management of italian forests

As part of the EIMA Energy bioenergy exhibition, in-depth meetings were held on the productive and eco-sustainable management of forests. The spotlight was on a Italian Ministry of Agriculture project within the framework of the Development and Cohesion Fund

Agriculture and energy, a strategic synergy

An interesting initiative, within the framework of EIMA International, was the one organised by Itabia in close collaboration with Enea, on the topic 'Agrivoltaics, digital innovation and mechanisation'. The agrifood system as a whole must address the issues of decarbonisation...

EIMA Energy: biomass and ecological transition

A workshop on the H2020 project 'BRANCHES', which enhances good practices in this bioenergy sector, was held as part of the International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery in Bologna

"Energy", the bioenergy Show

The 2022 edition of the EIMA exhibition dedicated to biomass and the bio-economy concern the many topics that converge from the agro-forestry and agro-industrial sector into the vast sphere of ecological transition. A calendar full of initiatives punctuate the days of the Bologna event

GESTA project: eco-sustainable land management in Abruzzo

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry aims to promote the multifunctionality of the forest and the sustainable use of renewable resources in rural areas. With this in mind, it will finance 27 projects throughout Italy that will implement concrete actions for the proper management of the mountain and inland forestry areas. One of the proposals approved by a committee of experts is the GESTA project, which in Abruzzo has brought together 28 stakeholders including administrations, associations and operators in the primary sector

EIMA ENERGY, planned initiatives

Focusing in particular on agricultural and forestry biomass - which is a very important resource that can meet a significant part of Italy's energy needs, if properly used - the exhibition offers a complete overview of both the bioenergy chain...

Energy, the exhibition dedicated to biomasses

Renewable energies and the circular bio-economy will be in the foreground at the Bologna exhibition centre with the "Energy" show, an open-air demonstration area between halls 35 and 37, where visitors can see machines for processing and treating biomass in action. During the five days of the exhibition, there will also be space for in-depth thematic studies with meetings promoted by the organising partner ITABIA

Capraia, a laboratory for agricultural mechanics

The Capraia Smart Island Project, supported by FederUnacoma since its activation in 2017, is progressing. The component "Circular Economy and Sustainable Agriculture", pays attention and resources to the green management of the small Mediterranean Islands. An essential contribution to the affirmation of agroecology can also come from using machines suited to the specifics of the local context

EDP, the meetings of the "energy" section

The program of events to be held in the virtual platform of digital EIMA includes three important meetings dedicated to research and experimentation activities in circulare economy and renewable energy. Of particular importance is the event dedicated to presenting the European Project Enabling results focused on enhancing "bioproducts"
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Enabling, a model for sustainable development

To deal with the environmental, economic and social crisis, the European Commission has launched the Green Deal, an ambitious programme for sustainable development. Despite the first steps towards the circular economy, the industrial sector in Europe continues to depend excessively on non-renewable raw materials and to emit 20% of greenhouse gases. The transition towards a consistent decarbonisation of the economy requires concrete measures and adequate tools; the Enabling project, coordinated by FederUnacoma and Itabia, is an interesting pilot run

Biomass and circular economy, a challenge for South of Italy

Decarbonizing the economy is a crucial step to combat climate change. Agriculture is the optimal context for putting into practice the principles of the circular economy, activating innovative crops and supply chains and minimizing the impact on the agro-ecosystems. Mechanization also plays an important role in this, and Agrilevante will be an opportunity to deal with the issue thoroughly

Salon Energy: mechanical means for bioenergy

A salon dedicated to technologies for the management of biomass for energy purposes will run for EIMA International. High profiles will be given to new technologies, new generation models and demonstration trials along with conferences and training seminars. The partner organization, the Italian Biomass Association, ITABIA, has recalled that the European Union is aiming to extend renewable energy sources to account for 32% of electric, heating and transport consumption by 2030

ENABLING, an European project for Green Economy

From next December, FederUnacoma, in partnership with Itabia – Italian Biomass Association – will coordinate an European project aimed at promoting the use of natural and renewable raw materials for a zeroimpact industry. In this field, a significant synergy between several production sectors, the world of research and political bodies, will make a determined push to succeed in innovative markets

Mechanical trade fair: guide to themes

More than fifty public events will enliven the schedule of the international exposition of agricultural mechanization held in the capital city from October 12 to 15. The issues taken up in these assemblies will range from policies, finances and techniques with the promotion of FederUnacoma, the Puglia Region, the University of Bari, Unacma and ITABIA among others

Sustainability and bioenergy, highlighted in Bari

Italy's National Energy Strategy (NES) recognizes that renewable energy sources and bioenergy are the most important elements for meeting energy demand, while respecting climate and the environment. The NES was defined through a wide consultation which involved the relevant institutional bodies, businesses, experts and citizens. The Agrilevante exhibition will give an opportunity for a debate on topics concerning the environment and the energy sphere, so as to involve the primary sector in a process of gradual decarbonization

Energy Salon, under the aegis of bioeconomy

The 2016 edition of EIMA not only provided an exposition of technologies, but also a rich program of both informational and divulgative initiatives, which partly involved young students. The framework in which are placed the activities linked with energy from agricultural sources is that of bioeconomy, with agriculture as its main character

Machinery and technology for precision forestry

Technological progress in forestry mechanization over the past decade had led to a significant increase in the competitiveness of timber brought down from mountain woodlands, typical in Italy, compared to users in the flatlands and hilly areas of North Europe. The development of innovative worksites with techniques and highly efficient machinery now ensure interesting margins for lower the cost of timber, optimizing the safety of workers and limiting the impact on woodlands to a minimum. This is the challenge of the SLOPE Project financed by the European Union with an authentic technical-scientific contribution provided by Italian partners

The state of the art of bioenergy in Europe

Published in October, the "European Bioenergy Outlook" report produced by AEBIOM is a guideline instrument for proper strategic planning. The study shows clearly that from 2000 to 2013 the production of primary energy, fell by 16%. In the same period the contribution of renewable energy sources has doubled, going from 97 to 192 Mtoe, of which 2/3 are attributable to bioenergy. This trend demonstrates the significant potential of RES that today stand as the main local resources

Bioenergy and the challenge of the "circular economy"

From global warming to the flow of migrants, today's the most important topics require a more and more global approach. Finding the strategies and policies to restore environmental and social balances is the challenge of the future. The decisive contribution can only come from a deep review of the economy, and the promotion of models that identify the efficient management of resources and the drastic reduction of waste and emissions of greenhouse gases as the priorities to be pursued

The Logistics for the management of biomass. Three EU projects

A conference at the FAO on the topic of "Mobilization of woody biomass for energy and industrial use" offered an update on the technologies and projects for energy uses of crop residues and dedicated plantations. The progress of the key projects in Europe was presented

Bioenergy: meeting in Bologna on the way to Paris

Renewable energy sources and bioenergy in particular will return as current issues in 2015 at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris taking up the reduction of emissions. Itabia and FederUnacoma used the occasion of EIMA International to pursue a debate and open comparisons of planning instruments on these issues of renewable energy sources and the prospects of exporting to countries abroad the models for the development of the sector planned and fine turned in Italy

Bioenergy: policy agenda in Italy and in Europe

Europe is looking to the 2030 consolidation of the idea of a future economy increasingly attentive to environmental questions. The new objectives set by the European Council for the use of FER, energy efficiency and climate-altering gas emissions mark a further but slight acceleration towards a green economy. The worlds of research and industry are intensifying the dialogue for a change of pace for opening new horizons in the field of the bioeconomy. These are issues which will be given thorough treatment on the occasion of EIMA Energy
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Agroenergies do not have to pay income tax rebates

Article 22 of the Decree Law no 66 dated April 24, aims to modify the income taxation deriving from the production and sale of renewable energies – agroforestry and photovoltaic systems – in order to raise funds for the €80 increase in the salaries of many Italians. For agricultural entrepreneurs it will imply a remarkable increase in taxation, putting at risk the stability of their companies

Environment and energy: an international award to Vito Pignatelli

The President of the Biomass Association Itabia has received the award "Il Monito del Giardino" (The Warning from the Garden) for the activity of research and promotion in the field of bio-energy. The prize money will be reinvested in promotional activities for the sector

Bioenergy: the decisive role of communication

There is increasing talk of informed consumers, who with their choices and expectations can contribute significantly to a global project for sustainable development. To achieve this it is necessary to disseminate adequately the knowledge gained, which does not always reach civil society at large because of the complexity of scientific, technical and juridical language. The recent decree for the development of biomethane could be in this sense a first testing ground
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Energy: Italo-Indian cooperation in the biomass sector

The EIMA Agrimach exposition hosted a conference organized by FederUnacoma and Itabia on technologies and strategies for the use of agricultural biomass for the generation of energy. The quantity of biomass available in the country is estimated at 623 million tons with the potential to supply a flourishing energy industry with considerable fallout at the level of creating jobs

Bioenergy: a sector plan being considered by the Ministry

The Ministry of Agriculture has entrusted Itabia with the task of drawing up a basic document for the development of energy from agricultural raw materials. Made in agreement with the professional agricultural organizations, the Plan aims to ensure a proper valuation of the resource biomass, financially support farmers and harmonize the regulatory system

Environmental degradation: a strategic plan for the environment and energy

The Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, presented an extensive programme aiming at combining soil protection, renewable energy sources and employment. The recent disaster in Sardinia show the nedd and urgency of an organic intervention

Change for conservation. Energy and innovation needed

Eliminating wastes or limiting them to the utmost, optimizing the efficiency of production cycles, reducing recourse to fossil fuels to the minimum. These are the basics for the sustainable development of our planet. After five years of economic crisis the sectors of renewables and agriculture are sending out clear signals of economic vitality in the framework of widespread recession. In such a complicated economic setting, biomass is shaping up as a highly interesting resource capable of involving numerous areas in the agro-forestry, industrial and services sectors across the boards

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