Mondo Macchina Nr 11 Anno 2015 - page 16

a curadellaRedazione
a rassegna internazionalediAgrilevante, lapiù importante
esposizionedimacchinee tecnologieper l’agricolturadel-
l’interaareamediterranea–organizzatada FederUnaco-
maeFieradel Levante–si èsvolta inuncontestodimercato
particolarmentedinamicoe interessante. Dopo la crisi legata
allaPrimaveraArabadel 2010,chehacomportatounadrasti-
ca contrazione delle economie dell’Africa settentrionale e del
Medioriente,condifficoltàper il settoreprimarioecon il crollo
anchedelmercatodellemacchineedelleattrezzatureper l’a-
gricoltura, il quadro generaleappare finalmentepromettente.
Uno scenariopositivo
I dati sull’economia agricola e sulle importazioni di trattrici e
macchineoperatrici –appositamenteelaborati daNomismasu
incaricodi FederUnacoma inoccasionedi Agrilevante– indica-
nooggi una ripresasignificativa inPaesi chiavecome l’Algeria,
l’Egitto, l’Iran, il Marocco, la Tunisia. Nello stesso tempo, altri
importanti Paesi – indifferenti contesti economici – registrano
un significativo sviluppo dell’agricoltura e quindi del mercato
grilevante international, organized by FederUnacoma
and the Fiera del Levante, is themost important ex-
positionof agriculturalmachinery and technologies in
the entireMediterranean region and it was held in amarket
settingwhich is especially dynamicandpromising. Following
the crisisassociatedwith the2010ArabSpring,which led to
a drastic downturn for the North African and Middle East
economieswithdifficulties in theprimary sector and theagri-
cultural machinery and equipment market crash, the gener-
al picture finally appears favorable.
A positive scenario
Dataon theagricultural economyand importsof tractorsand
other machinery, developed by Nomisma commissioned by
FederUnacoma for theAgrilevante event, nowpoint to signif-
icant recovery in such key countries as Algeria, Egypt, Iran,
Morocco andTunisia. Simultaneously, other important coun-
tries indifferent economic contextsare reporting substantial
developments inagricultureand thus in theirmachinerymar-
kets. This is especially the case of Spain, heading into sub-
stantial recovery after the 2008 financial and economic cri-
sis, as well as Turkey, coming forth as one of the emerging
economies with increasingweight.
TheMediterranean area is very important for the agricultur-
almachinery industry in that themajority of the countries in
the region are showing growing technologies demand with-
out thecapabilityof their own industries tomeet thisdemand.
This means the countries producing machinery and equip-
ment for agriculture are being called on to contribute to the
n. 11/2015
Nomisma/FederUnacomasulmercatodei trattori edelle
macchineoperatrici neiPaesi del bacinomediterraneo.
Le importazioni dimacchinarioagricolo risultano innetta
L’industria italianaprotagonistaconconsistenti quotedi
mercato invariPaesi,maunpesocrescenteassumono
nell’areaanche le importazioni daPaesi emergenti come
laCinae l’India
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