Heavy duty applications for the Argnani and Monti machines
The flagship of Argnani and Monti di Bertinoro (Forlì) for winter maintenance is the spring hydraulic snowplough. This is an application with to two independent work sectors, equipped with double-acting jacks for angling the blade (35° to the right and left) and a double-acting jack for lifting. The safety system, on the other hand, is composed of a spring device for tilting the blade with automatic return to vertical position. The device activates in the event of front impacts, while a bypass valve in the hydraulic rotation circuit protects the tractor-tool group in case of side impacts. Among the other technical features of the snowplough by Argnani Monti, and we should mention the independent pre-tensioners to modulate the spring tension, the diagonal oscillation system with automatic blade adjustment, the interchangeable scraping blade in wear-resistant steel. Also in the snowplough market, the RLS hydraulic model has a specific vocation for airports and, precisely for this reason, it is very popular in countries where snow falls frequently and abundantly, especially Russia. The RLS, which is also suitable for cleaning airport aprons with lights on the ground, has a front wedge equipped with adjustable brushes, resistant to low temperatures (they are made of polyethylene), with anti-wear steel scraping blades and LED optical devices for signalling the maximum footprint. In the sector of salt spreaders, the top of the range is the stainless-steel model (salt, sand and gravel) for three-point hitches. The machine, with a power requirement from 70 to 150 Hp, has many constructive benefits, starting from the special stainless-steel container with wear-resistant steel blade and the two hydraulic motors that, controlled through the hydraulic circuit of the tractor, manage the spreader and the conveyor roller respectively. Lastly, among the strong points of this model, we highlight the hydraulic control (with two double-acting jacks) of the container overturning system, the particular positioning of the crusher roller (above the conveyor), which improves the handling of the material to be spread, and the hydraulic adjustment of the material drop.