Cicoria HD 870 Big Baler, compact bales
The manufacturer Cicoria in the Potenza Province is returning to Hanover for the Agritechnica 2017 for the presentation of their new version of the Big Baler HD
870 now equipped with the tandem system. The new HD 870 is packed with power and technology designed especially for small or medium size livestock enterprises which require a baler suited to the production of fodder. A leading feature of the machine is the top feeding system with two synchronized rotors and slats which transfer the product in an extra-long channel of 3.3 m length which facilitates the gravity drop of
dust and even small stones along the channel to ensure an undamaged and a clean and healthy product. This Big Baler can also cut costs drastically due to a power requirement of only 60 Hp for the PTO and unequaled 18 tons of compression
in the compression chamber. With 90 years of work in the sector Cicoria has also come up with a new model compression chamber enlarged from 36 cm to 49 cm, a 205 cm
pick-up and 3 highly efficient knotters under pneumatic pressure for the binding system for the production of heavy and perfectly bound bales of hay, straw, corn stalks, sorghum and crop residues all strongly compacted by wire or twine day after
day in all temperatures and low environmental humidity.