BKT launches the "digital" experience
BKT brought an entirely new experience to EIMA 2021. The Indian tyre manufacturer's exhibition space offered a journey into the digital world. A hybrid world - called BKT Virtual Experience - halfway between the virtual and the real where, through real avatars, it was possible to discover the new products of the BKT brand for agriculture and connect remotely with the Indian company's technicians and the sales staff of the Italian distributor Univergomma to satisfy any curiosity or request.
Visitors were able to explore the stand on their own and learn more about the products on display by clicking on videos, photos and 3D content while in direct contact with the representative of the Asian multinational. The BKT Virtual Experience also offered the chance to interact with the avatar of the person being talked to and with those of other visitors. BKT's full immersion in the virtual world continues with video games.
The Indian company will be among the protagonists of the agricultural simulation signed by the publisher and developer Giants Software. In the new edition of Farming Simulator 22, be released at the end of November, BKT will provide gamers with some of its best-known tyres (Agrimax V-Flecto, Agrimax Force, Agrimax Teris, Multimax MP 522 and finally Ridemax FL 693 M), to equip tractors and agricultural machinery from the major manufacturers featured in the game.
Still in the video game sector, on 29 November BKT launched the Farming Simulator Challenge, a challenge that involves seven Farming Simulator talents in a series of skill tests ranging from tilling and seeding to harvesting and selling the finished product. The winner will earn the title of best virtual farmer.