tre 200 Cv sui modelli più performanti). La motopompa può
essere montata direttamente sul telaio dell’irrigatore a na-
spo, oppure essere autonoma, anch’essa installata su un
carrello per un agevole trasporto su strada. Quasi sempre
è presente una centralina per la gestione (anche in remo-
to) delle diverse funzioni. I modelli più performanti posso-
no essere equipaggiati con un verricello manuale o aziona-
to elettricamente per la gestione del tubo di aspirazione ed
essere incapsulati per l’insonorizzazione dell’intero gruppo.
Avvolgimento della tubazione
Il diametro della tubazione può variare da 30 a oltre 160
mm, così come in proporzione il suo spessore; il materiale
adottato modernamente (polietilene) assicura ottime ca-
ratteristiche di elasticità, resistenza alla trazione e all’usu-
almost always equipped with computer processing unit (CPU)
management control of the various functions, also by remote.
The most high performance models are equipped with a man-
ual or electric motor water abstraction system which is en-
closed to soundproof the entire group.
Retracting hose
Hose diameters range from 30 mm to 160 mm and, in rela-
tion to their thickness, the modern material used for them is
polyethylene which ensures the optimum characters of elas-
ticity and resistance to dragging and wear for excellent use
on rough and abrasive surfaces.
The mechanism for pulling them out and in is a key compo-
nent on the hose reel irrigator because the uniformity of wa-
ter distribution, reducing load loss, the accurate regulation of
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A considerable investment is required for the purchase of a
hose reel irrigator, especially a high capacity model, so the in-
tention is to have a machine guaranteeing efficiency over time
and especially one which can be transferred on the road and
public highways. The mechanical, hydraulic and electronic com-
ponents of a hose reel irrigator are mounted on the frame which
must be treated to ensure long term resistance to corrosion, a
consideration to take note of because of the typical field of the
machine’s operations, dealing continuously with water and some-
times also slurry.
For this reason, painted surfaces are usually given treatments
which begin with pickling of the steel, followed by a double coat
electrostatic painting job, which provides excellent covering even
of the most hidden parts and involves a modern base treatment
and water based ecological finish. Each step is finished with
baking, normally at 60°C to guarantee great resistance to cor-
rosion and UV rays.
For travel on public highways a hose reel irrigator must have
type-approval, that is, be equipped with all the components nec-
essary named in the Highway Code of laws and European Union
Directives for trailed agricultural machinery.
Starting with what is needed for coupling the machine to the
tractor is a drawbar with an eye hitch which can be regulated
for height for correctly hitching it to the
tractor. The drawbar itself, mounted on
the main frame, is usually built with
welded tubular steel supported either
by a single axle or two close axles with
tires which may have wide treads to re-
ducing compaction during transit in the
field. For this purpose, RM Irrigation
Equipment in S. Quirico Trecasali, near
Parma, markets an asymmetric rocker
axle to reduce the force of towing on
difficult terrain and guarantee the best distribution of weight in
steering to facilitate maneuverability. Nitrogen suspension is
mounted on some models to absorb shocks on irregular terrain
and reduce roll of the machine in transit. Due to the consider-
able weight and open construction of these machines they are
often equipped with hydraulic or air brakes which provide greater
efficiency than mechanical brakes and, above all, can operate
automatically in synchrony with the tractor. Another item of
equipment often mounted is soundproofing of the pump, if there
is one, as a useful option for reducing noise levels if the irriga-
tor is operated for long periods in the vicinity of populated ar-
There is an extremely range of accessories for hose reel irriga-
tion covering practically all the main components of the machine.
For starters there are various versions of the traveling cart car-
rying the lances or oscillating sprinkler booms to be adapted for
the best watering practice. For the Turbocar series manufactured
by Idrofoglia in Lunano, in the Pesara Urbino province, various
versions are offered with under-foliage and over-foliage irrigation
adapters, for offset axis movement or high pressure distribution,
a water ballast tank and wheels in cast iron.
Alcune delle più moderne dotazioni degli
irrigatori a naspo: l’assale a bilanciere
asimmetrico (a sinistra), pneumatici a sezione
larga, occhione ad altezza regolabile e
motopompa insonorizzata (a destra, dall’alto in
Some of the modern components for equipping
hose reel irrigators are an asymmetric rocker
axle (left), wide tread tires, an eye hitch
regulated for height and pump soundproofing
(right from top down)