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System synergies for made in Italy

On the occasion of the FederUnacoma assembly, the vice-president of Confindustria Marchesini, the deputy general secretary of FAO Martina, the President of ICE Zoppas and the analyst Pinosa discussed the strategies to face the new geography of agricultural production and agro-mechanical trade. The message of the minister Lollobrigida
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Confindustria, the presidency of Emanuele Orsini

The CEO of Sistem Costruzione elected by an overwhelming majority. Orsini’s programmatic platform: to revive national industry, focus on energy independence and investment

Confindustria general meetings: a project for the country

After a long preparatory work and a tour in direct contact with the entrepreneurial realities of the various regions, the confederation general meetings were held in Verona to focus on needs and priorities for the industrial sectors. Employment, combating tax evasion and greater commitment in Europe are the key points of an agenda that Confindustria proposes to the new Government. The FederUnacoma senior members attended the Verona meeting to raise the specific requests of a sector, agricultural machinery, exposed to the problems of both the industrial sector and the primary sector
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Confindustria, a new chapter

The annual meeting of Confindustria was held in Rome and formalized the election of the new president Vincenzo Boccia. Efficiency of the national economic system, relationships with banks, constitutional reforms and specific values of the Italian industry were the main issues of the speech by Boccia, who will also have the task of implementing the Pesenti reform

Fab Food, the factory of taste

Confindustria, the Italian Manufacturers Confederation, is coming to the EXPO 2015 Universal Exposition to present a food display and taste experiences in partnership with the leading associations in the confederation under the management of the National Museum of Science and Technology. One of the partners is FederUnacoma, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, to testify to the role agricultural mechanization plays for improving the quality of food and the sustainability of production processes
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FederUnacoma: mechanization policy and mindset

Federation President Massimo Goldoni talks about the recent European elections and the "promise of reform" in his country. Closer contacts with the political arena at the national and European Union level and the launch of specific and well organized plans. Great attention for the Milan EXPO and focus on the contents: more technology and innovation and less "agricultural romanticism".

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